Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
It already has more than a touch of the late George Iliffe Stokes about it.

Absolutely 50002 (not that it went anywhere near that part of the world...)


Hi Rob, not only George Iliffe Stokes but I am sure Dr Ian Allan is lurking with his camera!

Very nice to see you have moved across the country to East Anglia, the J15 is a lovely model and I am very interested in your comment regarding changing the chimney, where will you source the stove pipe brass casting? When you do change it can you post some pictures please? I have a J15 and would like to do same along with lowering the roof to represent a GE era loco. I have the article on these engines from a GERS magazine and I think this would be passable?

Also there was an article in the RM when Hornby introduced the J15 by Craig Tilley showing how to make this model represent a stove pipe fitted engine.

I do like the Toad and I will be following this little project.

Thanks again for the photos.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Evening Julian,

Thank you for your kind words. I agree, the J15 is lovely.

Pretty certain that Gibson has the required stove pipe but I'll confirm.

As for the backdating, the best starting point is the R3230 Class J15 0-6-0 7524 in LNER Black. It already has the low roof.


Oh and thanks for the info on the articles. I shall seek them out.

And yes, I will keep the photos coming.



Western Thunderer
Very atmospheric, just shows that you don't need loco's to create a good picture or two.
So very true. The fascination of the steam-era was that it had been continuous since the year dot and everything one saw carried an air of genuine nostalgia. I got as much pleasure from just soaking up the atmosphere around goods yards and buildings as seeing a train. The soot-blackened railway environment was unique and each visit was like stepping back in time. Perhaps above all was the aroma. Blind-folded, you knew you were in the viscinity of a railway in steam days.


Western Thunderer
There's a lot to be said for a sky backscene bow't scenery, as there's no perspective ot worry about. Ain't much chance of getting away with one in many areas though. I seem to remember I removed 2 inches from the base of mine to bring the hills down, a lesson I learned when building Carrog.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Evening all.

Well, despite no actual modelling taking place, I have managed a bit of work in the Room of Doom.

The desk area has been tweaked and tidied, no, really.

I have also re-assessed the Fiddle Area Re-assembling Table (F.A.R.T) for Project X and produced a more compact solution for home use only. It's enough to keep things ticking over.



Western Thunderer
There's a lot to be said for a sky backscene bow't scenery, as there's no perspective ot worry about. Ain't much chance of getting away with one in many areas though. I seem to remember I removed 2 inches from the base of mine to bring the hills down, a lesson I learned when building Carrog.

I've always chopped plenty off the bottom of photo scenes as well, there's always far too much detail in that area. Low horizons and plenty of sky always work the best in my opinion, and help create a feeling of distance and depth to a layout.

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NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all.

Bleat Wharf was due to appear at this years Taunton Railex but I have just noticed that the show, scheduled for 23rd/24th October, has been cancelled due to the growing uncertainty around Covid.

Not in any way surprised.

However, Project X will make it's exhibition debut next year, either in February or in April.

Details will of course follow in due course.


Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
2EED9421-1880-4505-8E6C-9725B338EDE3.jpeg BA5410DF-5931-4005-B9A6-235D62768DF6.jpeg 4AA820ED-0EF9-42CE-9147-6047C33396FC.jpeg 6E95FF0E-22E9-47D5-841E-33B91805DB19.jpeg Hi Rob,
Following on from your postings on Projext X I have found these photos from an exhibition way back in about 1985 held by Mid Essex MRC I think at Romford.
I thought it would give you inspiration even though the photos are on an SLR with no flash so not brilliant. I remember the layout well but no idea who it was, maybe someone here may know.
If you look carefully at one of the photos you will see a vertical fiddle yard, that is Sam Bonfield’s S Scale Emwell and I would like to say he along with Len White and Trevor Nunn were the reason why I became interested in the old GE.
I apologise for posting in your post but I thought it was logical to link with your new layout and share these photos on our forum.
The wagons are very realistic too along with the ubiquitous 060 diesel!
If anyone knows anything about this layout I would like to know.