7mm The Derby Line: Basford North

Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
The bridge girders look very impressive, Tony. I see you've overcome the slight problem by inserting an extra row of bricks under the cap stones.
In an previous photo of the prototype, I got the impression that there was central beam between the tracks of the GC main line. Was there and, if so, are you including a representation on the model?


Western Thunderer
Thank Dave - yes - the GC built most their girder bridges with separate spans for up and down lines. I miscalculated the width of the track bed, so I will see if I can squeeze a representation in.



Western Thunderer
Point rodding has reached the signal box now, it took a bit of working out to take each rod to enter the box in the correct position on the lever frame to match with the lever number. I've run out of rodding now, but there are just five rods to take East under the Park Lane Bridge.


Western Thunderer
The appearance of 0 gauge track, particularly fine-scale, is soooo realistic. No trains are needed in post #427; The separation of ballasted running lines and ash and muck of the nearer line is a feast to the eye.


Western Thunderer
I really like the view under the bridge - the variation of ballast, cess, main line and sidings looks just right. The rodding is definitely well worth the effort, too.



Western Thunderer
Thanks Adam -
I took inspiration from Paul Scott's Colwich Junction, Geoff Taylor assisted with a lot of the ground works. The rodding really adds to the infrastructure in this scale.



Western Thunderer
The running sessions always trigger ideas and suggestions -
There is now a white board with a loco roster on, so tha I don't have to go and peer at each loco to tell the driver the number..
Up and Down lines now have a 'Train Ready' light, so that the storage controller can indicate to the drivers that their train is ready to leave.