
Western Thunderer
Sacred blue - look what’s just turned up on the 1/43 Mid Suffolk :)

A quick search for Hachette Berliet Locotracteur should net you one around £23, looks like it would motorise reasonably easily. Good drive chain detail underneath that if you don’t need to see it going round will do just fine.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Sacred blue - look what’s just turned up on the 1/43 Mid Suffolk :)

A quick search for Hachette Berliet Locotracteur should net you one around £23, looks like it would motorise reasonably easily. Good drive chain detail underneath that if you don’t need to see it going round will do just fine.

View attachment 223262

Ahem.......cough.........£20.18 with voucher.......cough......
Forgive me for I too have ordered a Berliet Locotracteur just in case I can do something useful with it, I was going to build a similar sort of home-brewed Jobby based on one from The Wissington Railway but this might make a suitable alternative :).
We shall see.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Forgive me for I too have ordered a Berliet Locotracteur just in case I can do something useful with it, I was going to build a similar sort of home-brewed Jobby based on one from The Wissington Railway but this might make a suitable alternative :).
We shall see.

Hi John,

You are indeed forgiven. I have no idea what I'll do with mine but it was a case of "ooh...Nice...shiny....."


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Prep continues, readying Ewe for the next couple of weeks outings.

I've spent the weekend tinkering with something I said I wouldn't tinker with......the backscene. I've long been and continue to be an advocate of a simple plain backscene. However, as an experiment, I've tinkered. Ewe's backscene had acquired a few marks, so I decided that the simple solution was to paint it.

A suitable colour was identified ( snow flurries from B&Q as it happens ) and a tester pot sourced. Rollered on, it looked okay, but then the tinkering gene kicked in, and I thought about adding some clouds using a rattle can matt white..........yep.....I did....and I did.

Honestly, I'm not entirely satisfied, but with the clock ticking, they will have to do , and I can revisit at a later date.

Here are a couple images.........judge for yourselves as best you can.




NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Very, very good! Far better than I could ever do! Well done!

The results are so good, matey, that that's a bit like saying you're not satisfied with the real sky!!

Really, they look just like real clouds!

Thanks both. Very kind.

There are however, a few rough bits that I need to attend to and one area in particular that needs amending due to 'over tweaking' after I took those photos yesterday.
I broke my own rule. "If it looks right, it probably is. So leave it until you've looked at it in the morning"......etc, etc.

But it is encouraging.
