Western Thunderer
Morning all,
Prep continues, readying Ewe for the next couple of weeks outings.
I've spent the weekend tinkering with something I said I wouldn't tinker with......the backscene. I've long been and continue to be an advocate of a simple plain backscene. However, as an experiment, I've tinkered. Ewe's backscene had acquired a few marks, so I decided that the simple solution was to paint it.
A suitable colour was identified ( snow flurries from B&Q as it happens ) and a tester pot sourced. Rollered on, it looked okay, but then the tinkering gene kicked in, and I thought about adding some clouds using a rattle can matt white..........yep.....I did....and I did.
Honestly, I'm not entirely satisfied, but with the clock ticking, they will have to do , and I can revisit at a later date.
Here are a couple images.........judge for yourselves as best you can.
View attachment 223884
View attachment 223885
Will definitely suit the new drapes for the layout. I hear you pushed the boat out and went for a different Saturday and Sunday set...