
Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Prep continues, readying Ewe for the next couple of weeks outings.

I've spent the weekend tinkering with something I said I wouldn't tinker with......the backscene. I've long been and continue to be an advocate of a simple plain backscene. However, as an experiment, I've tinkered. Ewe's backscene had acquired a few marks, so I decided that the simple solution was to paint it.

A suitable colour was identified ( snow flurries from B&Q as it happens ) and a tester pot sourced. Rollered on, it looked okay, but then the tinkering gene kicked in, and I thought about adding some clouds using a rattle can matt white..........yep.....I did....and I did.

Honestly, I'm not entirely satisfied, but with the clock ticking, they will have to do , and I can revisit at a later date.

Here are a couple images.........judge for yourselves as best you can.

View attachment 223884

View attachment 223885


Will definitely suit the new drapes for the layout. I hear you pushed the boat out and went for a different Saturday and Sunday set...



NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Thanks for the encouragement regarding the backscene. I'm going to have a further tinker this evening and then leave it there.

I need to move onto other things.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Well, the backscene is done, or at least I've made a conscious decision to stop bu@@ering about with it. But at least I can now move on to putting the layout back together again.

The slight spanner in the works is that I'm now working on Weds, which I hadn't banked on. I've therefore lost the full day, which was to be spent on the layout.

Not good.

Oh, and thank you for the very kind decorating suggestions. I did a double take as they were posted on my Rmweb thread earlier, and seeing them re posted here, I intially thought I was on the wrong forum............


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Oh and good to see the news from Rapido regarding their newly announced GNR vans. These were regulars in East Anglia for conveying fruit etc and would have been seen on the Wisbech and Upwell so a good result. I'm looking forward to seeing the decorated samples in s couple of weeks. They might even get a run on Ewe if I'm lucky.
Fingers crossed we might see some more RTR stock applicable to East Anglia in due course.



Western Thunderer
As you've been sooo generous and thoughtful with your pannier inspired bedset suggestions, I thought it only fair to have a look what might be available for you.

I think in particular would be suitable for you. Would also match the layout drapes.

One for spring.

A more summery view.

Perhaps this one first though as it's almost Christmas.

No need to thank me.


Western Thunderer
That's a cracking collection of layouts, such a shame the Bristol Channel is in the way, also I am dependent on public transport :(
Tim in Llanelli


Western Thunderer
Hi Tim,

If it helps, it's roughly 15 minutes walk from Taunton Station.

Rob, the Taunton end isn't so much of a problem. It's the fact that the local bus is not very frequent, first bus out of the village is 08:10 with last bus back from Llanelli at 18:00, Monday to Saturday only. No buses west or north of Llanelli on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
That severely limits how far I can go unless I pay out for hotel accommodation, not something I relish as a pensioner

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Rob, the Taunton end isn't so much of a problem. It's the fact that the local bus is not very frequent, first bus out of the village is 08:10 with last bus back from Llanelli at 18:00, Monday to Saturday only. No buses west or north of Llanelli on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
That severely limits how far I can go unless I pay out for hotel accommodation, not something I relish as a pensioner

Ah! The Welsh Government's integrated rural transport network. 'Nuf said !



Western Thunderer
It’s not only them. There is no bus service between Ashford and Folkestone on Sundays. Unless it’s replacing the trains, of course.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Well, I have a busy couple of weeks both in respect of modelling and family stuff.

Last weekend saw me at Rapido RailEx and it was a really good couple of days.

One of the many highlights was the appearance of the samples of the forthcoming Manning Wardle L class from Rapido.

20240927_165046.jpg1000010269.jpg1000010267 (1).jpg

Rather nice methinks.


Rob R

Western Thunderer
They look very nice indeed. Ewe is obviously the natural habitat for them.
I have the need for a cabbed one but 119% bigger though :(

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Very true. Perhaps I should have said how much would be usable if you were to convert it? When I looked to doing the 16xx the what would be left list of parts was on the small side.