The Yard - A small industrial layout in 7mm


Western Thunderer
Ah, your post gave the impression that it was the whole operating thing that was hacking you off, not just the presence of the "brake" function, not what you intended to convey perhaps?
I was responding to SimonD and he liking the F2 braking, who in turn was reply to my post of yesterday highlighting F2 issue.
Anyway, it is all sorted now and ran fine on the layout, well almost!
There will be a further post about a problem.


Western Thunderer
The next show for The Yard, will be the Orpington Model Railway Exhibition, 5–6 April, held at Pratts Bottom Village Hall. This was the hall that featured in the Mr Bates vs The Post Office, TV dramatisation.

We had our usual post show debriefing meeting after the NEC show, this is when we discuss how the layout performed and any changes/improvements we would like. I had expected no changes apart from a light source at the rear of the factories that show up the lorries to the operators on the hidden part of the back road.

Then Ken said, at the NEC he noticed Whiteoak 'looked more industrial' than The Yard.
We had some buildings rescued from Theobald's Yard and mocked those up behind The Yard gantry crane to gauge the effect. It was immediately obvious this is what was needed. The photos do not really convey the difference as it does in person.



I need to mock up, draw and laser cut some suitable backdrop buildings to serve the purpose of making the layout have a greater industrial feel.

This task had taken a back seat this past few weeks. I have had eye surgery to remove cataracts and only now got to a situation I can see a computer screen properly. It was quite startling how yellow tinged my vision had become, those that have had it done will know what I mean. Something else that has taken some getting used to, is not needing glasses for normal distance vision, having worn glasses since the age of four, it still catches me out trying to take off glasses that aren't there!

Something else that surprised me, now having new lenses in my eyes, is how bright the colours are to me now. It was interesting comparing colour perception between a treated and untreated eyes of the layout.



Western Thunderer
I have finally got around to doing some rough drawings to gauge how this could work, before making up the buildings.
It is rather a large building unit at 1700mm long.
Printed onto A3 sheets and taped together, they were hung up at the rear of the layout.
It does mean we will have to alter the lighting rig and back scene uprights, but this should be fairly straightforward.





Western Thunderer
Cataracts? I didn't think that you were old enough Martin. Mind you, I have been telling you for years that orange grass and purple buildings never looked quite right on your layouts!



Western Thunderer
Cataracts? I didn't think that you were old enough Martin. Mind you, I have been telling you for years that orange grass and purple buildings never looked quite right on your layouts!

I certainly am Terry. Seems to be a family trait this cataract lark. I now get what you were on about with my layout colouring.
