4mm Wolsey's Creek


Western Thunderer
My journey towards a layout to follow Old Parrock has been interesting to say the least. There have been an embarrassing number of ideas, concepts and plans in an embarrassing number of scales and gauges. However, I have now settled on a new project - and ironically I’ve returned to my first idea. It’s in EM Gauge and like Old Parrock, it replaces a real historical railway with a fictitious one in an imagined setting, in this case The Southwold Railway. Wolsey’s Creek is a harbour branch set on the River Blyth, just upriver from Southwold and Walberswick on the Suffolk coast.

Since drawing this I've had second thoughts about the engine shed. I may move the water tower and windpump to the end of the platform and have a goods shed instead.

Wolseys Creek Plan JPEG.jpeg

At the moment the baseboards are in a basic state. The trackbed will be raised above a flat lower bed for the water level and the scenery built up around it.


I'm currently making the four points using Timbertracks wooden sleepers and Exactoscale chairs. All the trackwork will be handbuilt on wooden sleepers. I'm quite proud of my handmade crossing vees.

Point 1 - 25-06-24.jpg

This layout will take a while, not least because I have at least three locos and two boats to build, one of which will be scratchbuilt (and I've never built a boat before). However, I'm ready for the challenge. When I built Old Parrock it was the encouragement of the good folk of Western Thunder, to my eternal gratitude, that kept me going on those occasions where it got difficult or I lost my 'mojo'. Added to that, the thought that I was going to display my efforts on a public forum helped me to do my best. Hopefully that will happen again with Wolsey's Creek.

On my next posting I'll try to explain some of the thinking behind this project. Finishing off for now, here's a taster of the atmosphere I'm hoping to create!

Wolseys Creek Cartoon JPEG.jpg


Western Thunderer
Looks nice and simple. I agree that dispensing with the loco shed is a good idea, they’re not especially operationally interesting!


Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Looks nice and simple. I agree that dispensing with the loco shed is a good idea, they’re not especially operationally interesting!

Not operationally interesting but an excellent view blocker/scenic break particularly in East Anglia where the only options are buildings and trees....

Rob R

Western Thunderer
I am away from home at the moment, but I am pretty sure that West Mill on the Buntingford line had a siding serving a timber built granary not much bigger than a loco shed.
Will double check next week unless someone beats me to it.

Rob R

Western Thunderer
All I can find on the West Mill granary whilst scrolling the web on the dodgy internet here in the Mull of Galloway is this plan from the Buntingford line FB page.
The only photo I can recall seeing is in the newer edition of the Oakwood Buntingford book - couldn't justify replacing my first edition just for one photo.

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
yes of course, but 28 perhaps...
Very wise!

Last October I committed to constructing a layout for this coming one.... What a fool I was.... Little did I know I would have to deal with moving jobs and moving my elderly parents 260miles to a new house.

The lesson I've learnt is that it's a hobby and never to commit myself to tight deadlines again. That said would I have ever built a layout if there hadn't been the push to get on with it?

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Very wise!

Last October I committed to constructing a layout for this coming one.... What a fool I was.... Little did I know I would have to deal with moving jobs and moving my elderly parents 260miles to a new house.

The lesson I've learnt is that it's a hobby and never to commit myself to tight deadlines again. That said would I have ever built a layout if there hadn't been the push to get on with it?

Exactly the same George. However, I pulled the plug on my project as related elsewhere. It simply wasn't enjoyable.
It has contributed to altering my approach to this hobby and I'm quite enjoying the change it has made, despite it being early days.


Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Exactly the same George. However, I pulled the plug on my project as related elsewhere. It simply wasn't enjoyable.
It has contributed to altering my approach to this hobby and I'm quite enjoying the change it has made, despite it being early days.

Yeah I'm very lucky I'm one of the show organisers so I've been able to modify that section to be a 'gallery of layouts in various stages of construction to demonstrate modelling techniques '

And immediately the pressure has lifted considerably. I'm sure you know the feeling

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
That's the one.
Very modelegenic.?

Definitely. I'm not that familiar with the Buntingford branch...........yet. I see my future East Anglian project as taking bits and bobs from a number of locations. Not just that of the Middy.
