Yorky D's Küchentisch - Hand lettering - 2nd attempt....

Allen M

Western Thunderer
Hi Dave
Can we be assured that you have not substituted photos of a full size crossing?;):)
Superb modelling. The atmosphere is spot on.
Allen Morgan

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I've just finished painting this figure - here posed with his van after being called in to look at the non existent rail telegraph wires. A yellow Post Office Telephones van as it fits in with the 1968-71 time period I'm modelling. The van will be detailed at a later date.




Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Dave, I hope you don't mind but I couldn't resist playing with a couple of you photos.

No worries - B&W suits the time period. I try and take this type of photo in either the early morning or evening sun when the light is not too harsh.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Another one for the road.

This time a 1969 registered Ford Transit. No sooner the Corgi 1/43 Coca Cola version was delivered it was stripped down......


......then repainted into standard colours with some rubbish on the dashboard. The headlights are yet to be installed. The originals were faceted jewels which do not look right and I'll make some new ones from clear acrylic rod... when I can find it!






Western Thunderer

As others have said.... Awesome modelling..... really, very nice.....

However, if I can just interject a small observation regarding timing & condition of the vehicle.

The moon landing happened on 20 July 1969 (I was 11 years old and following it on the old B&W TV avidly). The van is H reg., that letter became available from 1 Aug 1969. The condition of the van suggests that it's had over a year (at least) of 'hard labour' - even the most cack handed of owner would keep it in fairly reasonable condition for a year and although Fords were notorious rotboxes one could expect them to stay fairly shiny for a while.

As I said, not a criticism just an observation...…. yes, on the scale of one to ten of Sad B*st*rds, I can register a 9.5 at times ……:p :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::)):thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

Can anyone remember where I put my hat and coat?
You all stay safe