Yorky D's Küchentisch - Purists look away now.....

ROD 608

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Recently been weathering a Minerva Kerr Stuart Victory.....

Turning it into a neglected loco by it's new owners. I painted the rods red to contrast with the neglect. Again, all done with Vallejo acrylics.

Minerva KS 05.jpg
Minerva KS 06.jpg
Minerva KS 07.jpg

For the ROD 608 lettering I made a stencil from a downloaded photo. I adjusted the perspective to get the lettering correct and then printed it to scale. The relevant sections were cut out and then it was laid on directly on the the tank side white paint was dabbed on with a cotton bud. The gaps in the lettering were painted in by brush.... then removed as part of the weathering process!

Minerva KS 03a.jpg


Western Thunderer
Like that lots,

I was pondering laser cutting stencils but never got around to actually trying it.

CAM feathers RYS set me off...

Keep well!
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Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Been messing about starting to build a photographic diorama (770 x 520mm) from some scrap wood and polystyrene.
A frame was made up from scrap wood and shelves. Layers of polystyrene were glued on, carved, plastered with PVA and newspaper and painted. A length of track was glued down with copydex and an intial layer of ballast added.
Next was to glue some old bed sheet to the diorama with PVA. Some ground cover was added which provides the base layer. This is the state so far for further development.
There's plenty more to do..... track ballasting, ungated crossing, cattle grids, gulleys, hedgerows, fences, road cutting, asphalt, etc, etc....


Western Thunderer
Like that lots,
I was pondering laser cutting stencils but never got around to actually trying it.
Works very well Simon. I just used masking tape.

Dave, the figures are great and the painting very life like. I assume the masters were 3D scans of real people, not the usual carved hobbits.


Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Yes the 28mm wargame figures are 3D scans. The chap who is producing them is ex-army and exaggerates some details them using Occulus Rift 3D sculpting such as making weapons larger, etc for identifying when wargaming.


Western Thunderer
Works very well Simon. I just used masking tape.

Dave, the figures are great and the painting very life like. I assume the masters were 3D scans of real people, not the usual carved hobbits.

I saw on your other thread about using masking tape. Photos please!

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I wasn't happy with the road so I acquired this....
Some ashphalt by AK interactive. The puddles come later.
It was applied to the road with a plastic artists spatula and when dry it was painted a lighter grey (artists acrylic titanuim white and Paynes grey). After this had dried I applied a wash of a mixture of MIG pigments.
After this had dried the road was wiped with a damp cloth leaving the dust in the cracks and low spots. This is the surface texture of the asphalt. The repair patch is the original colour of the asphalt mix.d43.jpg
Static grass and shrubbery was applied. d30.jpg
View from the top of the hill.d31.jpg

Then attention turned towards the road and trackside gulleys. Trying to recreate the debris and deposits washed down by water.
Two overall views thus far. More details required - fences, hedges, bushes, cattle grids, road signs, railway 'no trespassing' signs. etc, etc....


  • d23.jpg
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Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Onwards with the diorama.

I purchased some Peco fencing for use on the diorama but on reflection it looks too neat and more suitable for a stud farm...


However all was not wasted.... I cut out the rails and used them to make cattle grids for the ungated crossing.. The white fences were made up from Northeastern Scale lumber I found in my scrap box.


And some more gratuitous photos...





Just waiting on a delivery of Berkshire Junction EZ Line for the fences and telegraph wires.