4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer

I think Simon is right (sorry also).. That B road I mentioned earlier doesn’t have many straight bits!

With great hesitation I press the Post button, best wishes, Paul


Western Thunderer
The bridge with a 90 ° corner after it is fine....
Its the access to something or other on that side of the line!

One I can think of off hand is at Teignmouth, crossing over the mainline ;)


Western Thunderer
The bridge with a 90 ° corner after it is fine....
Its the access to something or other on that side of the line!

One I can think of off hand is at Teignmouth, crossing over the mainline ;)
Got me scratching my head there, can't think of one with a 90deg bend at the end in Teignmouth. There's a few t-junctions, shallow bends and skews but I can't think of one with a tight bend.


Western Thunderer
Got me scratching my head there, can't think of one with a 90deg bend at the end in Teignmouth. There's a few t-junctions, shallow bends and skews but I can't think of one with a tight bend.

It is on the downside (or upstream) of Shaldon Bridge by about a quarter of a mile.
It goes to what is now a boat yard, but was, I think, the local gasworks.


Western Thunderer
To put things in chronological order, The 28" radius curve under the bridge was laid this afternoon using Peco Streamline instead of bullhead. It retained its curve and the flat bottom rail was stronger at joints and avoided doglegs. There is a transition from straight to cambered curve...
WEB Bridge XX14.jpg

The trackbed of the previous carriage siding on the 'long' layout' is just visible.
WEB Bridge xx13.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Before doing the above, I set to digging up the cattle pen and shifting it somewhere else. It is now opposite the weighbridge and leaves the full length of the loading bay for a parcel van....
WEB Cattle dock 11F.jpg

Parcel van loaded every day from local rainwear company..
WEB Cattle dock 11B.jpg

The parcels van bay is new and weathered to fit in with old construction...
WEB Cattle dock 11C.jpg

Barely used cattle pen. End loading also possible for cars etc...
WEB Cattle dock 11D.jpg

A better and less obstructed view of the station. Grass work completed hereabouts and around good shed.....
WEB Cattle dock 11E.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Some degree of weather protection for those working inside the good shed seemed like a good idea. So the first move was building up the ground at the north facing entrance. This started with a rectangle of 1/8" cork glued down firmly with Evostik Impact and then sanded to shape...

WEB Yard crossing 1.jpg

Ballast was glued to it with neat PVA and left to harden.....
WEB Yard crossing 2.jpg

...It was then filed down to dust....
WEB Yard Crossing 3.jpg

While waiting for PVA to harden I started a second project. The barrow crossing was built from Wills SSMP 201 wood planking.....
WEB Yard crossing 4.jpg

Filed down ballast awaiting weathering. Crossing timbers were sprayed sandstone colour and 'shaded' with 'Sleeper Grime'...
WEB Yard Crossing 5.jpg