4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer
Been providing the layout with a goods yard store for animal feeds utilising a Wills SS63 plastic kit, but I left off the bargeboards...WEB 4mm Provender 1.jpg

Much diluted PPC P990 'Weathered Wood' used for general weathering...
WEB 4mm provender 2.jpg

In the end I settled for GWR dark stone with brown gutters for paintwork, and very dirty light stone for the walls...
WEB 4mm provender 3.jpg
This photo was taken with daylight flash. It records a truer rendition of the indeterminate colour of the walls...
WEB 4mm provender 4.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Been providing the layout with a goods yard store for animal feeds utilising a Wills SS63 plastic kit, but I left off the bargeboards...View attachment 203050

Much diluted PPC P990 'Weathered Wood' used for general weathering...
View attachment 203051

In the end I settled for GWR dark stone with brown gutters for paintwork, and very dirty light stone for the walls...
View attachment 203052
This photo was taken with daylight flash. It records a truer rendition of the indeterminate colour of the walls...
View attachment 203053

Can't beat a grotty shed for adding some character.


Western Thunderer
Ha ha, I’m sure that’s a different plate from the one I enquired about! Now I’m wondering whether I ‘ve had a senior moment!
Hi, Don't worry....you didn't have a senior moment haha. I altered my caption to answer your question. 'Llanfair' was cut from the original 'Llanfair Rd Signal Box' nameboard. In this respect, I copied the style on the Helston signalbox on which the signalbox kit is based.
Can't beat a grotty shed for adding some character.
I agree, although I may yet give it a much diluted wash of GWR Light Stone without removing the muck.


Western Thunderer
BR 78xxx with fluted coupling rods in the throes of being renumbered in the 'Cambrian' series, probably 78002 in large numerals. 78054 with rectangular section rods may also be renumbered. I though these and the Ivatt's looked weird in green...

Did all 78000 - 78008 W.Region 78xxx's get green at their first repaint or did any stay black? Assistance gratefully received....
WEB BR 2-6-0 2.jpg

Paul Tomlinson

Western Thunderer
Larry, I've pictures of 78004 in lined green, no electrification flashes, in April 1962, and 78000 in August 1961 in unlined green, large crest, GW route disc. According to my Jarrold booklet, "the first ten went to the Western Region, where they were soon repainted in green livery".


Western Thunderer
I've found a photo of 78002 carrying well-worn lining on its black black cabside and small LMR size small LMR numerals at Crewe in the 1960s. So I'm thinking this loco just might never have carried green....
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Western Thunderer
Hi, Don't worry....you didn't have a senior moment haha. I altered my caption to answer your question. 'Llanfair' was cut from the original 'Llanfair Rd Signal Box' nameboard. In this respect, I copied the style on the Helston signalbox on which the signalbox kit is based.

I agree, although I may yet give it a much diluted wash of GWR Light Stone without removing the muck.
Phew, I can rest easy!


Western Thunderer
Paint a loco unlined black or green and it could look a complete ugly duckling. This is how I see the BR 78xxx class, and yet I've done one as a result of making a complete cock & balls of a simple renumbering job.

How come? I lightly sprayed the cabside with cellulose clear so that the 'Methfix transfers would adhere, forgetting I had 'Pressfix' transfers for renumbering.

This is the state of play so far while I await a new airbrush for weathering this once lovely model....
WEB Hornby 2-6-0.jpg
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Paul Tomlinson

Western Thunderer
FWIW I think the unlined finish suits the "Standards", at least the small ones, better than the lined, which to me harks back to a previous era? I must also say how much better your model looks now you've obscured the garish painted brass? copper? piping. I say you've greatly improved an already fine model. Before I turn round you'll probably have presented it in lined green...


Western Thunderer
The only one I saw in real life: it had just brought in a train from Aber. too young to note whether it was black, green and/or lined! Hey ho.


Western Thunderer
A Sparmax MAX-3 airbrush arrived and so todays fine weather prompted a spraying day with the shed warming up during breakfast. 78002 was weathered first starting on the wheels and underframe. This 'gun' delivers a very fine spray that is easy to aim at small detail. (Pulling the lever right back delivers a full spray that can be used for normal spraying of 4mm scale models).

Photos were taken outdoors, but sadly I had forgotten to remove Mascol from the cab windows...
WEB BR 2-6-0 3.jpg
Must be dust on the tender as there are no foreign particles on the model....
WEB BR 2-6-0 4.jpg


Western Thunderer
The other one with non-fluted coupling rods and non-W.R lamp iron is regarded as not long out of works. I used the new airbrush to tone down some of the copperwork and matt the smokebox paint...
WEB BR 2-6-0 5.jpg

Hornby failed to capture the bevel-rim wheels....
WEB BR Cl. 2 wheels 2..jpg

The Timken yellow axlebox covers were sprayed black...
WEB BR 2-6-0 6.jpg

WEB BR 2-6-0 8.jpg
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