4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer
My place of work 1971 - 1986 ...

It was a good solid shed bought for me by the missus, who placed faith in me building up the painting & lining business. The end window was a fully working droplight removed from an LNWR Toplight coach along with the louver and door handles. My youngest son decided it would be a good place to sleep one night, but he didn't have the strength to pull the leather strap to close the window when it got cold in the night.... :D
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Removing a door. The scrap men were very accommodating and even gave me a surprise Mansell wheel off its axle for my garden! It was embarrassing to have to decline ...
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Western Thunderer
Connoisseurs of wood planks will love his :D. Un-planed timber from the aborted garden loop was used to bridge the gap between the scenic board and fiddle yard. It's been sanded but I'm hoping undulations will be more easily ironed out when the cork is in place. Saves buying expensive ply from B&Q...

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Western Thunderer
Staying with the new connecting board, 1/8" cork was laid and sanded down to match cork on LH and RH baseboard. A length of wood was temporarily screwed to its centre and a length of extruded coach roof was used as a compass. 30" radius turned out to be too large and so slightly over a 28" radius will be laid here...

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I could have used a larger radius on the scenic board and 24" off stage, but I was considering locos with front steps ~ hence a complete arc of 28"radius.....
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The goods yard headshunt was in the wrong place (ugh), so it was lifted and new cork laid for a clean start when laying track tomorrow....
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Western Thunderer
The laying and ballasting of the headshunt brings to an end track laying on the scenic section. In retrospect, I should have cambered the running line, afterall, I'd done this on every layout since 2007, but it's too late now. At least I met my own deadline of completing this work by the end of October...

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It only remains to weather the track and paint the rails rust colour. The bufferstops were only plonked in place. I'm working on some ideas for this corner involving lots of trees...
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