It is said a bad workman blames his tools, well I must be a bad kit builder because the WD 2-10-0 is becoming a chore. Frankly it ranks as one of the most difficult machines I have ever built. I can put up with poor instructions but the ones in the kit are hopeless and as far as I'm concerned. Having followed the frame build step by step I got to “and now I suggest you paint the frames”! Wonderful, 90% of the detailing had yet to be put on the frames making a mockery of this statement. If I wasn’t building the loco for a regular client I’d have sent it back. Naturally I am now in for the challenge and maybe I am slowly getting the better of this "beast".
Having built up the basic frames they were tested on Heyside but they derail through a 5ft 10” radius point into the goods loop. Suggestions to thin the axeboxes/bearings on the 2nd and 5th axles have been made as well as making the rear two axles as “loose” as possible. I have decided to reduce the axlebox widths on all 3 axles and hopefully further running trials will be satisfactory.
A lot of time has been spent getting the frames to run properly. Yesterday The cylinder detail, slidebars and crossheads were built up. The castings are excellent and Jim Snowdon acknowledges the help of Laurie Griffin in producing them. Very little fettling was required to get everything to operate smoothly. With this task out of the way the side rods were fitted to the crankpins for the first time and then the connecting rods were built up and tried in place. The loco will be in 1961 condition so the gudgeon pins provided in the kit were replaced with 10BA bolts to represent a BR modification. Trial running was OK but more work was definitely required. This morning the motor was fitted and trial running as a basic 0-10-0 started and it quickly became apparent the fireman's side coupling rods needed easing. Furthermore the clearance between the leading crankpin and the rear of the crosshead on both sides needed major work. Also the little end of the connecting rods were very loose in the crossheads and a 10BA washer has been soldered in place to reduce waggle. When the frames are stripped for painting I may yet add another washer as there is still a lot of space to be taken up. Further trialling and a satisfactory result achieved as these photos show.
I assure readers the loco was not running as if on the Rugby test plant, the shutter speed was a slow one!
The cab is now built and the roof formed up. I am grateful to Tony Geary for sending me detail photos of his build of the 2-8-0 variant to aid construction. He also advised that a frame was required to raise the height of the reverser. While talking about the cab the casting for the backplate is probably one of the poorest I have seen. I appreciate these locos were never loved but a lot of work will be required to make some kind of purse out of this ***'s ear!
About 75% of the detailing is now on the frames including the sandboxes, fitting them would have been lots easier before the frames were built up. As this photo shows a lot of the basic components are built namely the cab and roof, firebox, ashpan and smokebox saddle.
I should mention Dave at Roxey has been very helpful providing additional castings. Only 9 axlebox oil boxes were provided where 10 are needed, similarly 3 sand chutes and 2 additional cylinder relief valves were required. The latter are required as when built only front relief valves were fitted. BR quickly modified the 25 locos they took into their "tender loving care".
Enough of my moaning!