How time flies. Crediton has reached the stage where the end of the build is in sight. The frames etc. have been sprayed and the valve gear should be added soon, then proving trials on Heyside can commence. The basic frame has already been tested and fortunately there were only a few tweaks required however under its own power I feel sure a few other issues will come to the fore.
Plunger pick-ups are fitted to the engine and two of the tender axles have wiper pick-ups to aid current collection. Once satisfactory running is achieved the loco will be off to Paul Moore for him to work his wonders with the spray gun.
The E6 0-6-2t is now back from having the sound chip installed and it will soon be off to its owner who will complete the numbering etc.
Likewise the E2 0-6-0t has been completed, running trials passed and it is now with Ian Rathbone for him to paint.
So now work is concentrated on building a David Andrews Fowler 2-6-4t with limousine cab. The construction is very similar to Peter Dunns build of the Stanier 2-6-4t from the same stable so I'll not post the build in any depth. Suffice to say I have and will continue to crib some of Peter's ideas, they are far better than mine! These photos show progress to date, the frames on the chassis jig
the basic frames
the frames and running plate
Now to start building the tanks and press out all those rivets!