Not much progress to report, Christmas is getting in the way and my workbench has been tidied up and all tools stowed neatly away.
As you can see the loco now has frames, wheels and coupling rods. The frames built up very easily at the first attempt. A check on glass revealed no problems so I was into the axleboxes. The etches are designed to be fitted with Slaters products but on advice I plumped for a set of Steph Dale's etches as they would give greater flexibility when setting up levels etc.. I have never built any of these before, all my previous builds have rigid frames, so I read the instructions very carefully.
The "slot" in the frames was much larger than Steph's product required so I reduced the overall height by 1.5mm using a U shaped brass extrusion. This proved perfect and accommodated the adjusting bar in precisely the same position for each wheel. The loco will be driven from the rear axle and setting up the axleboxes for this axle was satisfactorily achieved on the third attempt. With everything square the frames were put onto the chassis jig and the remaining four axleboxes tacked in position. One of them gave quite some problems lining it up but perseverance finally won out. I now have a very free running frame, probably my best yet. Current collection is via split axles (courtesy of Clive of Ivatt 4 fame) on the leading axles and by plungers on the rear axle.
On the engine body there has been a little progress. The two fixing bolts on the running plate have gone, instead the front of the frames is secured by a "clip" behind the leading bufferbeam. At the rear the normal bolt position was used.
To ensure the firebox was properly supported I soldered some scrap etch on the underside of the tank tops. The first attempt put the firebox too high so additional etch was added to lower the supports by about 1mm. The smokebox now sits properly on/in the saddle.
So now the loco is back in its box and will have to wait for the New Year before work starts again. I wish all readers and contributors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank all for their help, support, constructive criticism and encouragement. See you in 2015 - I hope!