Trade ABS Models/Wrightlines/Classic Commercials News


Western Thunderer
Update re- ABS 43-two-1 Wagon Fittings Packs and Cavalier Coaches Coach Fittings Sets

As l may have mentioned earlier we still had some pallets of boxes to go through to find the remaining finished stocks we inherited as part of the ABS range acquisition.

We have now done this and have put ALL the remaining ABS Wagon Accessory Packs we have up on the web site. This includes several subjects not previous listed plus re-stocks of some of the sets we’d sold out of, and that some customers have been asking about.

In addition we have some real new year bargains on certain of the remaining ABS 43-two-1 wagon kits, so don’t miss these.

Also we have now been through and listed all stocks we have of the Cavalier Coaches Coach Fittings Sets on the web site. Again - some real bargains - all at the last prices in Adrian’s final listings - plus ALL coach bogies at a standard £10.00 per pair right across the range.

Obviously stocks are very limited on some items and once they are sold out, that’s it. Anything then later reintroduced will be have to have 2022 production costs factored in!

Regards to all



Western Thunderer
A Big Thanks to everyone who has purchased from the remaining stocks of the ABS 43-two-1 Wagon Kits and Accessory Packs – and the Cavalier Coaches Bogie kits and Accessory Packs.

Over 75% of the kits we inherited with the purchase of the ABS ranges have now been sold and a good proportion of the accessory packs too – and we have sold out of many subjects already.

To clear remaining stocks here are the details of our new Special Offer Prices as of today.

Any 43-two-1 ABS Cast Wagon kit for just £20.00 each [some less] and Brake Vans, Covered Vans and Twin Bolster Wagons for only £28.00!

Note this does not apply to the few subjects that have one-piece resin bodies.

All the remaining accessory packs in both the 43-two-1 ABS and Cavalier Coaches ranges are now offered at only £3.00 per pack - unless they are already less than that. There are offers also on the remaining etched Bulleid/Maunsell coach sides and some other items.

We are offering remaining stocks of the Cavalier cast bogie kits for just £8.00 pr.

Here are the links –
David J Parkins
David J Parkins

Finally – we have an offer on one of the superb Classic Commercials kits –
David J Parkins

These are one-time bargains and when they are gone they are gone – never to be repeated at that price. So, we very much suggest you get all you think you might need for future projects.

Happy Modelling

David Parkins


Western Thunderer
Hello All -

A further update of the situation with regard to the last remaining 43-two-1 ABS 7mm wagon kits and Freight Stock Accessory Packs. Plus the Cavalier Coaches and Wrightlines 7mm Narrow Gauge Ranges.

Some 500 43-two-1 wagon kits have gone leaving around 200 kits remaining. Any sold out items have been deleted from the web site and only the types remaining in stock are listed. In the run up to Christmas/New Year we are reducing some of these kits in price to ridiculously low levels – in fact little more than the cost of the white metal in the kits. Those that have not sold by the end of January 2023 will be melted down, as production of the revised range gets under way. The same comments apply to the Wagon Accessory Packs.

This is also be the case with the Cavalier Coach Bogie Kits and Coach Accessory Packs – some being further reduced in price.

Not all of the subjects in all these ranges will ever re-appear, as each subject will be re-assessed on its merits. The accessory packs too will be vastly reduced in number, and likely consolidated into larger more ‘themed’ packs – but this really depends on the final setting out of our moulds for the re-introduced complete wagon kits. Something we just do not know yet.

Finally we have put several Christmas Offers on for the remaining Ex-ABS stocks of the Wrightlines 7mm NG items.

So as usual – the advice is to get anything you think you might require from Adrian’s traditional kits and packs whilst you still can – and at ludicrously generous prices!

Happy Modelling

David Parkins


Western Thunderer
Evening All - a further update for those interested.

43-two-1 7mm Wagon Kits - since the previous posting we have now added even further discounts for multi-packs of either three, four or five wagons [according to type] - and only where stocks allow. In some cases only one or two multipacks are available. They are all listed in the relevant wagon kit categories of GWR, LMS, LNER or SR -

Other stocks of remaining wagons and wagon accessory packs are dwindling fast since we announced our wagon and accessory pack meltdown deadline of the end of January 2023. So pick up what you think you might want before it is too late

Same applies to the Cavalier Coaches Bogies and Accessory Packs. Several bogie types have now sold out and some remaining ones are now being offered at only £5.00 for a pair -

Prices like this are little above the cost of the metal in the product! We have to have this melting down deadline to make way for the re-introduction of other items from the ex-ABS stable later in 2023.

In addition, we have added two categories to the web site of new condition Ready to Run items and of 7mm Kits from other brands all at competitive prices. More will added in due course.

Happy Modelling and Grumpy Season's Greetings to All.

David Parkins


Western Thunderer
Just an update on the various ex-Adrian Swain Ranges + stock availability.

43-two-1 Wagon kits - David J Parkins
Both the remaining Wagon Kits and Accessory Packs are dwindling fairly rapidly and many subjects have now sold out. We now have no BR wagon kits left.

There are one or two ‘stickers’ left that we do have some quantities of – mainly the ‘boring’ open wagons, that you actually need most of! So we have reduced these subjects still further and are also offering even greater discounts for multiples of five [or four and three in some cases]. Some Accessory Packs have similarly been reduced.

Cavalier Coaches – David J Parkins
We have reduced still further the prices for the remaining Bogie Kits that are left – not many types remain now. Some are now only £4.00 per pair – Ridiculous prices I know, so get them whilst you can.

We have discovered a few more Cavalier Coach Accessory Packs and have added these to the web site. This puts some sets back into availability. Once again prices have been reduced still further on many items, whilst we keep them available.

Wrightlines - David J Parkins
The remaining Wrightlines items are selling out fast and we have very few locos and coaches left. We still some of most types of the Talyllyn wagons available at very low prices.

To the future!
We are now preparing the first batch of re-tooled subjects from Adrian’s ranges, for release throughout the Autumn of this year and the 23/24 winter period. This involves some 25 standard gauge wagons from the 43-two-1 range, and some parts 'culled and adapted from the range for RTR wagons etc. - PLUS all the Wrightlines coaching stock and wagon kits AND all the smaller packs and accessories from the Classic Commercials range - David J Parkins - together with FOUR variants of the much-missed BR Scammell Scarab kit.

All these subjects and those that follow will be virtually unrecognisable from what went before!

More wagons will then follow in batches, plus loco kits on a one by one basis from all the ranges – both ABS and Wrightlines.

As regards Cavalier Coaches. Our purpose in acquiring this range was never to keep available the bogie and accessory packs as previously and currently sold. We wanted these masters to form the basis a new range of coach and non-passenger coaching stock kits – but more of that anon.

So there it is – an update for those interested.

And for those of you who are fans of Adrian’s kits as he traditionally sold them – this is your final call – get all you think you will need at these current ludicrously-low prices! They won’t come again – or last very long.

Happy Modelling



Western Thunderer
Petrol Pumps, Garage Accessories, smaller kits like the Lister Truck and some of the road mending items, some Figures, Cycles etc. Will Put details & images up much nearer release time. Plus other stuff I don't want to announce yet.

Thanks David, very interesting :D



Western Thunderer
Just a quick update for anyone interested.

ALL the ex-ABS 43-two-1 wagon kits we were selling off in the original format are now sold.

The Wagon Accessorey Packs are down to about 1/3rd of the orginal number. Those left are to be found at this link -

The same with the Cavalier Coaches fitings and bogie packs - very few are left in several categories. -

The re-tooled ABS wagons should start to appear later this year and will be incorporated into a new range of wagon kits spanning almost a 200 year time period.

We will have another announcement to make regarding coaches over the coming months.

Thanks to all who have purchased from the ranges. We hope that you have obtained some interesting wagon types at very reasonable prices.

Regards to all

David Parkins