Amanda's Workshop: Scratchbuilding Toward A Layout


Western Thunderer
Complete non-sequitur here...

In a post-Eileen's world, where can one now get nickel silver strips and sheet? I need some .3 and .5 sheet for some 2mm projects.

I miss Eileen's =(


Western Thunderer
Complete non-sequitur here...

In a post-Eileen's world, where can one now get nickel silver strips and sheet? I need some .3 and .5 sheet for some 2mm projects.

I miss Eileen's =(

I did see that Cambrian Models had picked a lot of the Eileen's stock and whilst a lot is not listed they ask you to make contact as they probably have it.

From their site... "In April we purchased the entire stock of straight wire from the liquidators of Eileen's Emporium. We are starting to list it here. We also have some metal section and sheet and a quantity of Slaters Plastikard. Please use the contact form if there is something you want and used to buy from Eileen's Emporium. We may well have it even if it is not listed."



Western Thunderer
I have had a Jinty chassis kit from High Level, the Brassmasters detail etch, Gibson Wheels, and a Bachmann body for a few years, and since I have all the tools to do so, I decided to try and build it up in P4. I have track gauges and all for P4, so I built a piece of test track from copperclad and some bullhead rail, and am eager to see how this turns out. I must say, it's a breath of fresh air to work on this after that god awful 1366T kit.
The basic chassis is built. Today I will build the rods and fit the hornblocks and guides!
Jinty Chassis.jpg


Western Thunderer
Nice! The chassis should be no trouble, unless you do some of the daft things that I did with mine (and had the right gears packed). Plan where you’re putting the pick ups in advance!

A couple of things to watch with the Brassmasters details:

1. The injectors are a bit chunky so I ground quite a bit away and had to slim down the bosses on the rear wheels. You might want to go your own way.
2. The etched steps are good but it’s worth taking a bit of material off the fixing tabs (only half a mil’ or so) to mount them a bit further from the wheels - cosmetically that’s invisible and extra clearance is handy.



Western Thunderer
Hi Adam,

So far so good. The rods are made up, and now I just have to get the hornguides soldered in place. I have settled on locations for the pickups, ish. Once the gearbox is in, I can finalize their location.

I will be sure to give the extra clearance from the steps as you suggest! Thank you. In P4, I need all the clearance I can get, I think.
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Western Thunderer
The hornguides and blocks have been fitted, using the rods and alignment dowels as a guide. I have also installed all of the motion and valve gear bits! I now sooo wish I had Romford wheels, so I could install a set and try them! Sadly, I have Gibsons, and they're sort of a " one and done" set of wheels so I will just have to have faith that I have done it correctly so far. Next is fitting up brake gear, then painting!Jinty Chassis Compensation.jpg

Phil O

Western Thunderer
I have a set of Romford/Markits, that I use to check things are OK, before I fit the Gibson wheels. The wheels I use are 20mm, but they are ok for checking that the chassis is ok, even if not correct for the loco in hand.


Western Thunderer
That is quite a good idea, Phil. I have a good quantity of assorted Romfords wheels around, but no axles. Did they make P4 axles for those wheels?


Western Thunderer
That is quite a good idea, Phil. I have a good quantity of assorted Romfords wheels around, but no axles. Did they make P4 axles for those wheels?
Doesn’t matter, an 00 one would suffice if you’re only putting one wheel on the axle to check pickup a/o brake alignment.


Western Thunderer
I am trying to get several floating projects done. I have had 3 or 4 irons in the fire now for far too long, and I hope to clear all but one or two of them. One of the final irons is the 1366T kit that I have been working on / cursing the name of / crying about for like a year now. It's close enough to feel close, but far enough to be "urgh" far away. I need to finish some final details, in particular the drain pipes from the injectors (I am unsure what they are called?) as well as make a safety valve bonnet and chimney, tank vents, and a few other turned details, and sometime to get handrail standoffs so I can install those. This little engine will likely stay with me; even if I sell off some / most of my GWR 0 gauge, I think I wish to keep this one. I just want to get it out of the queue. It, along with a Connoisseur models Macaw B (what a wonderful kit!) will be stars of a diorama, if nothing else. I must admit I am unsure how to approach turning the chimney and dome. I guess just get in there and make chips, eh?

As shown in my thread here, I have 3 (4) projects ongoing, in 3 different scales. I admit to having a wibbly wobbly attitude, where I wibble and wobble to and fro a lot. What to do!? I think 2mm, as much as I love it, is simply too small for me. My eyesight is -11.50 without my glasses, and even with them, it's a strain. Part of my move to 7mm was due to how much easier it was on my eyeballs, and how much more scratchbuild-friendly it is.

The Jinty above is simply because I have it here, and decided selling it complete may be easier than selling it as parts, though who knows; it all depends on me doing my best with the build and the paint job, though I have a good feeling about it so far. 4mm is not too small; I haven't had too many eyesight issues so far. I want badly to build an urban terminus / Minories type layout for Midland or LMS. I wish I had the room to do so in 7mm, but alas, I do not, I don't believe. If I COULD, this would probably get me to sell all my other british stuff.

7mm british stuff - well, I have 2 other Panniers, both Dapol models, along with 10 or so goods wagons I have built - two from scratch! - and a single D98 GWR brake third from an Ian Kirk kit, with loads of enhancements. This one is another 90% project. I may sell this stuff on; if I stay with 7mm, my little GWR dock tank is a better engine for my available space, though I'd keep my goods stock.

1:48 US stuff. I love British prototypes, as smaller engines and MUCH smaller freight stock is far more small layout friendly. But I am from the US, I love old US freight cars and steam engines, and I can convince myself to just build these to sit on shelves, or maybe run around on the floor once in a while. All of this thus far is scratch built, and it's so much fun. I see myself sticking with this, though off and on as I can get the bits I do need.
So uh... anyone else have WAY too many projects at once?

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
So ... anyone else have WAY too many projects at once?
Sort of...

* too many projects? Yes.
* too many plans for layouts? Yes.

Severn & Wye circa 1910;
GW&GC Jt. October 1910;
BR(WR) end of steam in Forest of Dean;
BR(Sc) in the 37/4 era.

plus all of the stock to suit and a few odd-balls, like Newton Chambers Car carrier... Nuclear FNA wagons.. BR 4MT tank... LNER A4.

just do not know which way to turn.

regards, Graham


Active Member
So uh... anyone else have WAY too many projects at once?
Luckily my St Mungo's project is packed away pending a house move, but I'm collecting kits and bits to model it in several different eras:

Caledonian Railway c.1919-22
LNER c.1937
BR c.1957
BR c.1964-68

and it's also designed to masquerade as a station that never existed, Kilnsea as a terminus of a branch from Patrington branch and a connection for the actual Spurn Head railway, and a fictional Tyneside electric terminus! I love Tyneside electric stock!

My stash of kits fits all the above, but they are packed away too, but I'm still modelling, converting the Scalescenes canal wharf boxfile to em and connecting it to the factory boxfile. Oh, and I'm collecting various building kits to modify for a future layout, based on Keyinham on the Hull to Withernsea route which is a favourite of my partner as she remembers it before it was closed.

Just need to find the right peoperty! And the time! And the money!



Western Thunderer
I did see that Cambrian Models had picked a lot of the Eileen's stock and whilst a lot is not listed they ask you to make contact as they probably have it.

From their site... "In April we purchased the entire stock of straight wire from the liquidators of Eileen's Emporium. We are starting to list it here. We also have some metal section and sheet and a quantity of Slaters Plastikard. Please use the contact form if there is something you want and used to buy from Eileen's Emporium. We may well have it even if it is not listed."

Perfect timing, I've been looking for 0.8 mm NS and Eileens was my go to store and recently it's special order or simply not listed.

Cambrian have just had a nice bulk order as I use it a lot and not getting caught short again, not this year anyway :cool: Also added some more wire I was running low on.