Bradstock Loco


Western Thunderer
Why would the weight need reducing, Mike?
Hi Tony,
I suppose it's a personal thing. I am not really comfortable handling a plastic bodied loco weighing around 2Kg, and I see no necessity to load the model to this extent. To put it into context, my kit built DJH Ivatt 2-6-2T weighs in at 1.1Kg, the same as my original Lionheart 45xx.
With the cast weight removed, the Heljan 61xx now tips the scales at 1.25Kg.
Why would it need to be heavier?


Western Thunderer
2kg does seem excessive.

I suppose the proof of the pudding would be to load it until it wheel slips. If it’ll pull a prototypical train, it’ll do.

My guess is that at 2kg, it might simply stall, which does no good to the model, or the power supply.


Western Thunderer
2kg does seem excessive.

I suppose the proof of the pudding would be to load it until it wheel slips. If it’ll pull a prototypical train, it’ll do.

My guess is that at 2kg, it might simply stall, which does no good to the model, or the power supply.

And possibly strip the nylon gears!


Western Thunderer
5369 is also a Heljan model, but as the cast weight doubles as the motor mount and also retains the plastic bodywork, I could not discard it.
I have drilled a good number of 6mm holes in said casting in an attempt to lighten it a little.
Some have voiced concerns that the model picks up current from the tender only, I have had absolutely no problems with current collection on this loco when it was running on DC on my Melcombe Magna layout..
I have now fittied a Zimo MS 950 sound decoder which has built in stay alive, and will keep the sound going for about 45 secs if no traction is used.
My only problem now is when turning the loco, the tender tends to lift the extension bars a few thou, thus losing electrical contact during the 75 secs or so it takes to turn. Oh well, back to the drawing board!
DSC_5768 (1280x719)~2.jpg


Western Thunderer
For those who prefer to see locos in a pristine state (and I believe there are some) look now as it won't be seen again this like this!
My plan is to model 5802 as it would have appeared around 1958, just before withdrawal, still in GWR livery with B.R. smokebox plate.
Work has begun today by removing the shirtbutton emblem, re siting the RHS toolbox to the centre of the splasher, removing the conduit running up the cabside and the twin battery boxes, which I will replace with a single one.
DSC_5836 (1280x829).jpg


Western Thunderer
A photo will always reveal details needing attention. The join at the chimney base, not too noticeable on the model, sticks out like a sore thumb here.
A few more details for attention are the steam heat pipe which should not have the offset at the rear of the footstep, just a 90 deg. bend as at the front end, and the ATC conduit at the front of the side tank also needs a little re-routing.
The black bits have had a mixture of Humbrol 32 and 29 stippled on as a prelude to further weathering.