Hmm, a nice full size version of one of these would do very nicely...
but it would really require a pole or two, copper wire and some porcelain insulators to complete the job!
Oh dear, I think I'll need to take a break from digging for a while as I am still desperately trying to get the roof on, but I can imagine the additional fun the children would have constantly ringing Nanny up?!
Little Mr. T. is brimming with ideas too and has been giving me very clear instructions of where to put all the furniture, including details for the issuing of tickets, despite the building still being open to the sky at the time!
I am doing my best and had a jolly good go at it this weekend, while the weather and my own energy permitted. I am paying a heavy price for all the effort today!

Sorry, I forgot to advise professional chippies to look the other way before I posted these images!
A result of my rather muddled approach, I ended up having to tackle some very complicated joints and notches to achieve what I wanted. Adapting an existing structure for something it was never designed for throws all sorts of unexpected problems into the mix - not least of which was not ordering the right materials, or indeed even enough of it in the first place!
Keeping everything as light as possible on top might be mistaken thinking or a false economy, but I have committed myself now.
At the very last act I discovered that my own difficulty with maths had been unfortunately compounded by some rather naughty marketing practices by a certain, famous retailer:
I don't much fancy the common use of "Shuttering" for shed floors and roofs, as in my own experience it certainly seems to be vulnerable to moisture damage in the longer term. Having said that, I chose to splash out on a much more "appropriate" looking ceiling of thin, interior T&G rather than the cheaper stuff for this project in the hope that it will still be durable with a good coating of preservatives!
The frustrating bit was finding that after (so) carefully working out how many I required, I was still short of a plank (or two)!
"95mm x 7.5mm" is what both the manufacturer and retailer declare - although there is a small print disclaimer on the packaging that states that; "due to being a natural product, dimensions might vary slightly from the specification" -
the discrepancy was in fact a full 4mm less in width!
Sold only in multi packs, I had intended to use the left over for cutting the valances, but when setting the planks out (seen in the above image) in order to calculate the precise starting point, I found to my chagrin that all four packs were used. Ho hum, I will now have to make another trip just to get one more!
An utterly exhausted fool, with amateur builder and unfinished building both wearing their hats at the close of play last night. Aches and inclement weather are enforcing a temporary, but nonetheless welcome rest for today.