Although it doesn't really belong in this particular thread, here are three pics to explain what I meant by all the "Oh dears"!
An impulsive moment of even greater (?) madness than usual...

A potential "Putt-putt", petrol electric power unit to potter up and down the garden railway!
Trouble is, I have not stripped down and overhauled anything remotely similar for almost 50 years, and that was an even older moped engine that was hardly an unqualified success!
This one might keep me busy next winter, although the way things are going perhaps I should try and get it running sooner in order to drive a couple of light bulbs...?!!
Meanwhile, the notion of avoiding further trouble by staying outdoors and making hay in the summer sunshine seems slightly more sensible...
At least one visitor voiced his opinion that the trench was going downhill, and appeared not to be convinced by my argument that it was the rising ground that gave that impression?
It turned out that we were both sort of right! Admittedly, it wasn't by very much, but I must have got a little bit carried away with the shovelling and over did the dig?! Needless to say, my error was only revealed when I found myself having to drag a few more bucket loads of hardcore to the site than I had anticipated in order to bring the bed back up in line with the brick edgings!
Burying a bit more of the bulky, brickbats and builders waste pile was the payoff for the greater effort and the somewhat more prolonged job though?!

Near enough not to be noticeable on a bumpkin narrow gauge railway now?!
Today, I just about managed to level off and lay the last section of "ground stabilisation mat" in the box before my wretched back gave in again...
(Hence the walking stick leaning on the garden chair in the following...)
The last shot giving a lower, driver's eye view of the road was achieved with some difficulty - or rather the aftermath was!
Getting down there was not so much of a problem - but I had forgotten to use that damned stick, and it remained lodged there, completely out of my reach!
I will have to take an enforced, and grumbly break for at least the rest of the week.