I have made and fitted the guard irons to the frames and the sandboxes are under construction.

I fitted the rods without any washers behind them, which caused the crank pin nuts to wind in under power. Everything became so tight that the rods locked up. A High Level gearbox and motor would have stalled before it got that far, but the N20 kept going and chewed up the nylon drive gear so that instead of it having a D-shaped hole for the gearbox's output shaft it now had an O-shaped hole and lost drive. I had to replace the chewed up one. Rods refitted with washers and it ran smoothly once more.
The target weight is 250g. The DJM model, straight out of the box, is only 147g and 250g is the target because that is the reported weight of the forthcoming Austerity from Accurascale. I could just wait and buy an AS one, but where's the fun in that?

I reckon on being able to get a speaker, Stay Alive and decoder in and still achieve the weight. The Austerity connoisseur may have spotted that this isn't a DJM. It is in fact a modified Dapol body but I will be making another chassis for the DJM one.