Dublingham Goods Station


Western Thunderer
If Romford wagon or tender wheels, you could tell by the axle diameter and wheel tread width.

I have some Hamblings wheels, but they had fully formed spokes.

I think they are probably made by the manufacturer.


Western Thunderer
If Romford wagon or tender wheels, you could tell by the axle diameter and wheel tread width.

I have some Hamblings wheels, but they had fully formed spokes.

I think they are probably made by the manufacturer.

Thank you, Tony. Yes, I think they may well have been made specifically for this model, either in-house or by someone else to vR’s specifications. I have unfortunately not been able to find a photo of the real Peckett no.1952. I know the model was based on works drawings, so a serious effort was being made to achieve an accurate portrayal. Maybe wheels had to be made specially because nothing suitable was available off the shelf.