Elmham Market in EM

James Spooner

Western Thunderer
I have just wired up the chassis and fitted the body, with cab interior and tested to make sure everything works OK. It seems to, although rather noisy in the forwards direction. I’ll let it run in for a bit and see if it all settles down. It seems quite free running so nothing appears to be binding. A couple of short videos attached.



James Spooner

Western Thunderer
Confession time. I have spent the last couple of evenings painstakingly filing the boiler barrel down to the right dimensions to a much greater degree than planned. The barrel comes in the kit as just a plain piece of brass tubing. It needs cutting back so the top part of the barrel sits snugly on the tank tops. I carefully measured the amount by which the boiler sits proud of the tanks from a scale drawing kindly supplied by Mr H Garden of this parish. I then marked it all up and made my cuts with a piercing saw (allowing for a bit of drift so I knew I had some filing to do but hoped it was minimal).

Best laid plans of mice and men, combined with the old adage of measure twice and cut once… To cut a long story short, I had measured against the drawing for the similar (but different!) F4/5, not the F6. One of the differences was the tank height so my carefully cut boiler sat about 2mm too high and was blocking a part of the cab front windows. It took a while for the penny to drop but once the lightbulb was turned on I realised I had quite a bit of brass to file off (I suppose I could have cut again but was concerned about the blade drifting where it shouldn’t). One sore wrist and hand later and I think I am about there with it…

