Thanks David.
Well talking of Mr Parkin, this next section is entirely inspired by his fantastic 08 kit. When I did the cab for this kit it came with a wonderful set of etches for a cooker as here -
Top left.
So having experience of this build I decided that the desk on the 47 was woeful in it's detail. Therefore I decided to have a go at scratchbuilding my own cookers and improve the desks as much as I could.
Unfortunately the single casting is wrong in that the cooker and secondman's side should be separate rather than a single casting as here -
You can see the cooker ring represented by a raised round area about 2 thirds to the left. Also wrong was the train brake unit; it was too tall, the one on 47's are a low profile Davis and Metcalfe unit with a handle that angles upward. The straight air brake is ok, the horn is just 0.7mm wire but there is also another 'handle' represented in the instructions

- I assume this is a 'hangover' from a 31 kit with EQ braking maybe? Power handle and direction controller are OK as is the switch panel and dial layout (with mine still having the boiler gauge active

). I decided to leave the whole as a single casting to ease fitting. Anyway I sourced some brass from scrap etches as shown:
These bits along with very fine fuse wire would form the basis of the cooker builds. Here they are with the bodies formed and the support ring strapping soldered in place. I also at this stage curled up the fusewire into a piggy tail to represent the rings -
I apologise at this stage for the quality of the images. The wee camera I use just can't quite capture the detail. My wife wants to take some 'macro' shots of the cabs tonight as practice for her photography (posh camera) so stay tooned

. To give some idea of scale, all the bits are on a white ceramic 6" tile.
Below is the completed 2 cookers waiting to go onto the desks. They measure about 10mm wide, 6mm deep by 8mm high (approx

). I have also represented the rotary switch on the front with a tiny bit of etch in a pre-drilled hole -
All altered DJH items and my scratchbuilt bits were then added to the castings. I also made a tea can out of white metal with wire handle, a BR issue driver's bag (lid closed, handles folded) - those who have first hand experience of these may recognise it (to others it may look like a ladies handbag

) and a tin of 'Golden Virginia' tobacco seen with this camera as a square green blob!

... ...Any way here are the images I did with the seating 'propped' in position for effect

Again apologies for the eye abuse via the camera - it's getting sorted by Mrs Wonderful later...
Also done for now are the buffer beams with pipework. The pipework was also wrong as shown in the instructions by DJH. They completely omitted the air brake pipe

. Luckily enough lost wax castings are supplied to fit this pipe and cock (above the steam heat pipe). I will still need valve connector's at 'tother end though!
Thanks for reading a long post and best regards