7mm Fettling Madness (If it ain't broke - fix it!)


Western Thunderer
But it's OK if you tin the brass first with 145 degree solder. THEN it sticks.Does anyone know if an RSU would be any good on a whitemetal/pewter body?...

It's fine if you keep the tip on the brass and move it slowly towards the whitemetal and have the RSU on the lowest setting - works foor me. Suggest that you try it on some scrap brass and an old whitemetal casting and as you say, tin the brass with 145 first.



Stu Fox

Western Thunderer
It's fine if you keep the tip on the brass and move it slowly towards the whitemetal and have the RSU on the lowest setting - works foor me. Suggest that you try it on some scrap brass and an old whitemetal casting and as you say, tin the brass with 145 first.



I 'attacked' an unwanted white metal casting (the NRN radio unit - about 4x4x20 mm size) with the micro flame. It began to melt very slowly and with some tell-tale sign (surface texture change) after a direct blast with the flame for about 4 seconds. IMHO, it would take major 'buffoonary' to melt a big casting - however the consequences are great!



Stu Fox

Western Thunderer
Hello all,

Attempts to destroy the Brush continue, however my mind is still full of class 104 machinations....

I have 2 problems with my attempts to begin construction -
1. The PDH drwings still haven't turned up!
2. I need square on images of the 4x sides (2 car) (i have the end square on) in order to print-off and super-impose a one inch scale square grid over to gain accurate dimensions for cutting windows and doors etc...

Does anyone know of any locations where suitable images can be downloaded for printing (square on of course)?

I itching to get going and have already sourced many/most of the tools/materials for building...

Thanks and regards


Stu Fox

Western Thunderer
Hello all,

The roof of the 47 is now done as far as putting bits on is concerned:

roofbits 001 (800x600).jpg
roofbits 002 (800x600).jpg
roofbits 003 (800x600).jpg

You can see by the pink discolouration on the brass bits that they have tasted the breath of Hades himself (blow torch) and, more by luck than the fair, skilled hand of the craftsman, the body casting has survived. The smaller brass bits and the nickel-silver laminations were pre-tinned with 145 deg and stuck on with 70 deg. They seem to stick well and the above pics show the work just given the 'Barkeeper's' friend scrub and rinse so they have a fair bit of cleaning to endure yet. :)

Next will be the bodyside bits...

(oh and the PDH drawings have still not turned up (2x reminder emails) so I'm going for the refund from Paypal - blessing in diguise?):oops:
I'm still naively optimistic that project 104 will still go ahead (probably after Easter now) and my thoughts drift around the concepts of cab construction despite the level of guess work, trained eye:rolleyes:, careful measurement estimation:)) and careful miniture engineering experience:confused: that will be necessary....

