

Western Thunderer
Dave @daifly - I'd like to do everything a business would want to do to keep things in the public perception all the time but I reckon Simon has explained it briefly and rather well. We set out to ensure that the Martin Finney kits remain available and in that, to a very large degree, we have succeeded. I find it difficult to come to terms with your suggestion that we "stand silently in the corner of a trading hall". You've clearly not seen us at work. Those who know me personally and other members of this team know that we spend more time in front of the stand inviting people to talk than sitting moribund expecting people to come to us. And I say this despite my (relatively) advanced age. Am I tired at the end of the day? Of course I am but I'd rather be doing that than almost anything else.

As far as the web site is concerned I'd love to personally keep that up to date but as you know already I'm an absolute technophobe, so it's not an aspect I can undertake. Those of us who are capable are pretty much otherwise engaged. We're working on producing new kits! That's the priority. The web site will be updated and my initial message here explains why we've had little to add to it recently.

In short Finney7 has involved considerable investment from each of us because we believed that the Finney range of kits should not be lost. Any success so far shows we were right to keep the range available. There's continuing individual cost in keeping the range in existence and our new kits develop the excellence established by Martin using the new techniques available in the 21st century. I also draw to your attention that there are 15 "Likes" to my message which I suggest indicates a level of understanding about what we are trying to achieve.

Let me know when you're next at a GOG show or any other we may attend. I look forward to continuing the debate at first hand.



Western Thunderer
Dave @daifly - "stand silently in the corner of a trading hall".

I was merely picking up on Mick's analogy "Sadly this is the demographics of an evolving consumer base, no point standing in thinning/empty halls advertising your wares." If a website is seen as a thinning/empty hall then I stand by my comment.

I fear that my analogous reply has been misinterpreted. I have seen you all at various exhibitions over the years and am well aware of the work done and hours expended. All 7mm modellers are grateful to have the Finney range still available and expanding. I simply expressed a view that the website was the place for announcements (or should at least be included) rather than dispersed around various forums and social media.



Western Thunderer
No need to delete anything, honest observations are always welcome even if given robustly, it’s also freedom of speech which everyone is entitled to.

However, we retain the right to act, or not act, on that advice.

All of us have, or are still going through, private concerns that supersede updating the web page and other issues pushed down the order I’m afraid.

Finally, a spade being a spade, we haven’t actually had any significant news to put up on the web page for a long time.


Western Thunderer
Time for a little update on F7(W).
Over the summer (What am I saying? Sorry, between May and August) we have achieved our aim of producing high quality LW castings from 3D printed masters. We have the test samples for the 94 and the production runs have been commissioned. So, Photo time.
Here are some of the test shots for the 94.

The sanding actuators on the right hand sprue are tiny, just over 4mm long.
As part of the 94 design, which required a new backplate and castings, we have made new backhead patterns for all the GW locos other than the 47. The new backplates now include both styles of cladding, the older style with the copper 'pipe' and the latter faceted type. So, time for a photo of the fit and form build of the 94 backplate.
Apologies for the bent whistle lever, too heavy with the tweezers, and the missing handrail to the firebox lever. All the castings are new and will be available for existing kits. We will continue to supply Martins backhead castings in the kits. (We have to as there are lots of other castings on the sprues.)

Additionally there is now an etch to proved a removable chassis to the GW tenders. Yes, no more axles stuck in the frames. These are a simple build with very few mods to the existing kits. With a bit of effort I suspect it would be possible to convert those tenders that are already built. Note to self, must write some instructions..

We want to get the 94 out as soon as we get the castings. We might have some done for the SVR Model Gala at Bridgenorth on 20th October. However, there is a greater chance of having stock for Guildford. Everything else is packed (I think :confused: ). If you want one please contact Richard to place an order and I'll come and brave the cold of the Guildford Sports Shed to deliver. If there is enough demand for Wigan I might do that as well;).

Stay happy


Western Thunderer
Looks great, Simon,

can we purchase individual sprues? I can imagine a few upgrades being done here & there…



Western Thunderer
Hi Folks,

With Guildex at Stafford coming up, we thought it was time for a news update.

Firstly, we expect to have a small number of kits for the new Princess Coronation 'Semi' available at Stafford. The kit will be based on the existing Princess Coronation kit with a new smokebox in resin, a replacement cab with the narrow front windows and new deflectors to provide the variant without the toe holds, both of which are in etched brass. The introductory price will be £615, which will be held until the end of Guildex.

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Second, the 94XX has the last of the patterns at the casters, and once those have been approved and the production run undertaken, the kit will be good to go.

Third, the B1 moves on. The white metal patterns are with the casters, and we are in the process of preparing the lost wax patterns. There is still a final test build and the instructions to do so we are a way away.

Fourth, we are able to announce that our K3 is at an advanced stage. I now have the 'final' test etches to build, the production run of the white metal castings has already been completed and the lost wax patterns will go for casting after the 94XX have been done. Attached are some pictures of the first pre-production model built by Phil Gomm, painted by Paul Moore, and weathered by Neil Podbury (who provided the photos).

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I shall shortly start a separate thread to cover the test build. No release date as yet, but if you want to put your name down for one, without any obligation, let me know.

Hi Richard - reference your new addition(s) to the Princess Coronation, are you making any plans to release the conversion to semi as a stand-alone mini-kit?