After a break while I went on my jollies then waiting patiently to get a bit of head space after a paricularly intense period at work I have in the last week managed to pick up work on the G5.
I started by sorting the small lockers that go on the rear cab bulkhead. These I soldered to the cab rear before I soldered it in - I didn't fancy trying to get them in neatly within the confines of the assembled cab.
Next I test fitted the cab floor haveing bent up the basic shape some time ago. It needed a little trimming to get it to fit around the lockers but other than that there were no issues.
I decided to score some plank lines on it before fitting and I also added some small pieces of strip across the undersides in the cab door ways so that there wasn't an open gap - there are cab doors but for the life of me I haven't worked out how I am going to fit them and may leave them off.
Before fitting the cab rear and the floor I fitted the coal rails to the rear of the bunker which allowed me not only to get better access to get the iron in but it also allowed me to get a nice smooth joint between the coal rails and the cab rear. Onwards and upwards!
It still needs a good clean up of course.
The eagle eyed will of course pick up the fact that with also the test fitting of the cab floor I managed to dislodge the brake lever..........