Having a bit of a pause with actual printing and trying to get on with a couple of loco builds as well as having a bit of a rest from it
However on Templot Club I am trying to put together a COT track build guide. Its not the full process as the initial stages of 3D printing is the same for Plug track as it is for COT track.
Also I have not covered the filing jigs, as these not only are used for Plug track, but are equally useful for those who use traditional build methods, in fact in many cases essential for home builders, especially the switch filing jigs, which in my view are the easiest switch filing jigs I have ever used. I am actually surprised no one has tried selling them
Here is a link the the thread
COT track build explained
The article is still being developed, as is Templot 3D and there will be a need to update the odd section after the next Templot revision as Martin has further refined the common crossing
Anyway its good to see the major leaps Templot has achieved this year, certainly the 7mm scale modelers have been the major benefactors