7mm Heyside: 7mm L&Y, late 50s/early 60s

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I have finished the rather coy Lady Ramsbotham, one of the figures for the market.

I have made a warehouse door ... The doors are simply finished off with a weathered wood wash, after first impressing the nail head holes.
The face is hauntingly real, spine/chivers/etc..

Nail head marks on the door - go on, add the diagonal braces, you know that you want to add them.

regards, Graham


Flying Squad
Hi Graham,

I did consider the diagonal braces, but wanted a more 'knocked together' rather than properly made look.

This is, after all, a disposable door, and will have no use after Telford.


Cliff Williams

Western Thunderer
Hope this helps on the yt stretch in the tag file.
Go to edit your video, then look for the bit where I have put "yt:stretch=16:9" and do the same, hit return on the keyboard then save it bottom right on "save changes."
Thats you done!
Youtube YT stretch in tag window for western thunder.jpg


Mid-Western Thunderer
The face is hauntingly real, spine/chivers/etc..
Indeed - that face is better painted/more realistic than even larger scale figures! Some layouts, however good, are let down by poorly painted & posed figures.
This isn't one of them. :bowdown:


Flying Squad
Indeed - that face is better painted/more realistic than even larger scale figures! Some layouts, however good, are let down by poorly painted & posed figures.
This isn't one of them. :bowdown:

Thank you Jordan (and Graham),

We have tried to keep the colour palette somewhat subdued - I suppose the awnings on the market stalls are the only real splash of colour on the layout. Hopefully this way, nothing really stands out, and all is in harmony.



Flying Squad

A Telford update, a bit later than anticipated.

Next figure, a local landowner, also for the market.


The face sculpting is nothing like as good as Lady Ramsbotham, so there's a limit as to what can be done. I see from the photo that I have forgotten to paint the belt - that will be remedied imminently!

The big goods warehouse, occupying a large chunk of free space. The canopy glazing has been finished, as has the flashing, so a bit of paint and weathering and it is good to go.


The houses and pub behind the station. I have finished repairing the facades, and the barges and guttering/downpipes have been replaced and repaired as necessary. I have matched the mortar colour so the repairs blend in with the original, and I shall dry brush the stone tomorrow. The pub is not as far behind as it looks. The interior is done, and all the windows are trial fitted and painted. Again, the stonework will be commenced tomorrow.


And the pub sign - a brilliant piece of work by Tim. There are a number of Albion/ The Albion pubs in the locale. The sign was taken from one elsewhere.


Doorstep delivery.


and the milk float, now with added milk. This was organised by Roger, and a great job he has done. For completeness, I should say that while the float itself was built by Roger, it was painted and decorated by David Amias (the clue is in the numberplate:) ), who also provided the artwork for the decals which were made by Precision Labels & Decals.

As an aside, we have some talented modellers in the group which has enabled me to concentrate on the big picture while they have all filled in the detail so admirably.

T - 9 and counting :)

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Dog Star

Western Thunderer
The Union Flag on the shield looks like the image has been inverted... assuming that the Good Lady is not intending to signal that she is in distress.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Dan's comment is spot on, just watch out for the birds pecking at the foil top.

Just a thought, when did Milko stop delivery of milk in half pint bottles?

Road Fund licence disk? Now that would be an interesting exercise to find an appropriate colour for the time of Heyside.


Flying Squad

Clive came round today, and we spent all day finishing off the big goods warehouse. This was the odd small repair, but mostly tarting up the paint and weathering the canopy. It's now a bit mossy and not quite as see through, without, I hope, being over the top.



That's one of the 3 big jobs ticked off, and I'll be glad to get it back on the layout and out of the way!

Right, off to glue some windows on the factory stair tower....the night is young.




Western Thunderer
Disappointed that I have commitments which will prevent me from attending Telford.

Heyside is inspirational modelling & I would have loved to see it first hand.
