Like learning to swim. Having read all the books and watched the instructional videos there comes a point where you just have to jump in and wave your arms about. So it is with going off piste with wheels and axles.
Some notes from my first attempt at telescopic axles for Slaters wheels in 7mm. There are WT folk better qualified then me to write a ‘how to’ on this subject , but since I’ve never seen it written up, and since it has proved to be a viable approach, I thought I’d share it.
As previously related I wasn’t delighted with the Slaters wheels for this project on account of the run out of the driving wheels and the appearance of the standard Slaters axle end. Following encouragement from
eastsidepilot that it was possible to re-axle Slaters wheels I thought I’d have a go. I chose to experiment with the pony truck wheels because they don’t need quartering and they’d be the least costly to replace if it all went horribly wrong.
Some design considerations first…
- the diameter of the axle should reflect appearance of the prototype as it projects from the wheel boss
- the inner section of the telescopic axle has to be large enough to accept a taper pin
- the wall thickness of the outer telescopic section cannot be too thin
- the diameters of the various holes have to correspond with available drills, reamers etc
- we must be able to produce the bearing diameter to match the axle
Starting with point 1, the prototype axle end scales to very nearly 3.8mm in diameter. A bit of rough design on CAD suggested that would be viable with a 2.8mm diameter inner axle. The overall length of the axle assembly was made slightly shorter than theoretically required to provide a bit of length adjustment when setting the back to back measurement. The assembly method is to set the wheels on the axle ends first, getting the axle end slightly proud of the wheel boss per prototype, then set the back to back dimension and then drill and pin the axle sections. There’s also a small flat on the outer axle where the taper pin will be. That reduces the tendency of the small drill bit for the pin to wander off when starting the hole. I’ll also use it as the means of identifying the thick end of the taper pin for assembly and removal. There are axle part drawings attached at the bottom for those interested.
The axles were turned from bright mild steel rod (because silver steel is a pain to turn in small diameters and we don't need the properties of sliver steel). The flat on the outer axle section was done on the milling machine in a tiny precision machine vice held in a much larger machine vice.
The next job was to work out how to bore out the Slaters axle insert to 3.8mm diameter and get the bore concentric with the tyre and perpendicular to it. A tool was made on the lathe with two recesses that are a gentle push fit for the wheel flanges (the other, larger, recess is for the driving wheels - ever the optimist!). Holes were tapped for clamping screws and a hole was made in the centre to provide clearance for drills, boring bars and to give the swarf another way out. The material was a slice of 50mm aluminium extruded bar left over from another project.
The 3 jaw chuck won’t centre the work perfectly but the turned recesses will be centred perfectly and the tool will stay in the chuck until all the wheels are bored through. If you can’t use the chuck for anything else for a while then, depending on how you are equipped, that might dictate a certain order of work. For example, if you had intended to turn the axles in the chuck then you’d need to do that first. In fact it is a good idea to turn the axles before you bore out the wheels so that you can use the axles to gauge the bore accurately to a gentle press fit as you open them out. As it happens I have a collet chuck that fits in the spindle so I used that to turn the axles. The position of the 3 jaw chuck is marked on the spindle nose so that it always goes back on the same way. The concentricity errors arising from exchanging the chuck and collet holder this way will be acceptably tiny.
With a wheel mounted in the tool and the tyre running true the first job is to reduce the projection of the wheel boss and insert to the prototype dimension. I’m guessing that the Slaters wheel boss projects from the face of the wheel as far as it does simply so that they can get all the axle end features into it (countersink, thread, square hole with sufficient axle engagement etc). As it stands the boss projects too far and as well as not looking quite right this also causes clearance problems in S7 on the driving wheels behind the slidebars (thanks to Davidinaus for the heads up on that one!). A tiny, pointy tool with a modest depth of cut (low cutting forces) was used to face the boss down to within 0.25mm of the face of the tyre. Easy enough.
The boring out of the insert requires some care. On the pony truck wheels the insert is brass so it won’t put up much of a fight but the features in the insert may not be concentric with the tyre or perpendicular to it (which is kind of the point of the exercise !), and some of the hole through the insert is square. I’ve no idea what the insert looks like or how it is engaged with the moulded plastic (but I’ll find out when I ruin one!) and all the machining forces have to be transmitted by the plastic spokes. Simply poking a drill through the middle might not be the best plan as it would have a tendency to centre up and follow the existing countersink, and a 2 flute drill opening out a square hole could be a bit rough. I started by gently running a sharp 3mm slot drill through the insert. Since it will cut on the end and the flutes it will find its own way through and not be particularly influenced by the existing geometry. That left a round hole through and was followed up with a 3.5mm stub drill.

A note on drills here. Most of the holes we drill are not very deep and a typical jobber type drill bit is much longer than necessary, and as a result quite flexible, which doesn’t help when trying to drill holes accurately. Often it doesn’t matter, but sometimes it does and that’s when stub drills are useful. They are essentially shorter versions of the standard drill bit and consequently less flexible and more inclined to drill in the direction you point them. There’s one other difference that’s not so obvious - quality. A lot of the drill bits available through the modelling or hobby engineering trade are very ‘reasonably priced’. They can also be of variable quality in terms of actual diameter and cutting geometry. You’ll probably have to buy stub drills from a more industrially oriented supplier. They cost more but are of much higher quality, they’ll have a more sophisticated cutting geometry and as a result they’ll cut more cleanly and accurately. I’ve accumulated a few HSS or solid carbide stub drills and I use them when I need to drill holes accurately. Recommended.
So, there’s now a 3.5mm diameter hole through the insert and there’s no turning back. I don’t have a 3.8mm drill or reamer, but I do have a tiny carbide boring bar for 3mm+ bores. It’s an amazing little thing and I came across it on eBay where Kyocera USA dispose of their surplus machine tool stock. There are even smaller ones for micro machining work. Cost a few dollars and a few dollars for shipment. Now, at last, I’ve found a use for it. Carbide tools are very hard and resistant to wear, but they’re not as tough as steel tools. I imagine that a sudden load on this tool would ‘plink’! It took some care to set the tool correctly in the 3.5mm bore and with held breath it was given a small cut and advanced through the hole. Very good result and no ‘plink’, so breathe out again. I’ve no way of accurately measuring bores this size so work proceeds by gradually opening out the bore until the axle (you’ve already made one, right?) just slides in with a bit of a push. If you make the hole too big you’re scuppered, so tiny cuts and repeat passes with no cut to clear out the tool deflection. It helps to put a tiny chamfer on the end of the axle. You can tell when the bore is close to size when the chamfer starts to nearly enter the hole. That worked out OK in the end and the second wheel was done much quicker.
The axles and wheels were thoroughly degreased and the wheels were fitted to the axle ends using Loctite 601. It is easy enough to adjust the axle projection on the face of the boss by eyeball before the Loctite gets a grip. Putting the wheel and axle halves back in a collet in the lathe showed that they were running true and concentric. Well, as true and concentric as the collet which is the pretty good and good enough to be undetectable on the model I think. Here’s the difference between the standard Slaters appearance and the modified wheel and axle. Much closer to prototype appearance I think. Very happy with that so far.

(Looking at the photo as I post this I think the prototype axle centre drilling is bigger than I have it . Easy enough to pop them in the lathe and make it a bit deeper. )
The next challenge is to set the back to back correctly and pin the two axle halves together. I don’t fancy my chances of juggling a back to back gauge (assuming I ever get to purchase one - the S7 Group stores seem to be mighty uncommunicative these days) and a small drill. Since I’ll have more of this to do (the 8F driving wheels, and you never know, I might even finish the 8F and start another S7 loco, if I live long enough) a bit of tool making seems to be required. A picture’s worth a thousand words (or possibly more in this thread) so here’s the tool I came up with.
It is essentially two back to back gauge faces with a V groove between them to hold the axle parts, some tapped holes for axle clamping strips, a hole through the middle where the taper pin drilling and reaming will take place and a couple of rebates on the bottom face to locate it in a machine vice. (The two tapped holes in the bottom are for the next part of the plan. The quartering jig). Easy enough to make if you have a milling machine. Impossible to make if you don’t. You need to take care to have the gauge faces parallel and within S7 B2B tolerance, and the groove has to be perpendicular to the gauge faces. Any geometrical errors in those respects and any little inaccuracies in assembly of the axle will tend to increase the actual B2B dimension so I chose to make to gauge distance toward the lower end of the tolerance at 31.22mm (well, that’s just where it ended up after the final cut so I left it at that). The material is aluminium, a chip off the same block that was used to make the chassis alignment jig earlier in the thread. The drawing for the tool is shown in the following post.
With the wheels and axle parts clamped in the tool (yes , I did line up the spokes by eye even though you’ll never notice on the model - OCD) and the tool clamped in the machine vice the hole for the taper pin can be drilled and reamed. Taper pins and taper reamers is new territory for me so thanks to those folk on WT who answered my questions on the subject. I ended up using imperial 1/16” taper pins with a matching 1:48 taper reamer from Tracy Tools. A point of note is that a 1/16” pin doesn’t need a 1/16” hole. The thin end of the pin measured about 1.2mm so the hole was drilled 1.2mm diameter (very, very carefully using a light touch on the fine feed) and then opened out with the reamer until the end just projected through the axle by about 1mm. The pin was gently pressed home before removing the assembled wheel set from the tool and cutting off the surplus pin. There’s about 0.5mm projecting from either side of the axle.
It took a couple of weeks of odd hours but in the end it wasn’t particularly difficult. I’d always felt there was an unwritten commandment ‘
thou shalt not mess with wheels and axles because it’s a bit like engineering and you’ll probably make an expensive mistake’.
If anybody wishes to have a go the drawings for axle parts and the setting tool are attached to the entry after this (can't upload any more pics on this post).
With that out of the way I can press on and complete the pony truck.
Driving wheels next, and the challenge of quartering.