More fundamental mechanics to sort out - springs and weight. Bradwell provides independent springs for each axle box. They're essentially lengths of 0.32mm diameter spring steel wire simply supported at each end and supporting the axle box at the centre. What the instructions don't tell me is what the loco weight should be to match the springs and achieve the correct ride height. It's easy enough to calculate the effective spring rate using simple beam theory and the properties of the wire. (Dust off your engineering text books or surf to
CLAG for an explanation).
Some Scalefour folk seem to recommend weighting locomotives to 4 grammes per prototype ton. So for a WD weighing in at around 70 tons (possibly more if the typical WD cocoon of filth is included) the model should weigh around 280 grammes. So around 35 grammes weight on each driving wheel (neglecting the pony truck springs). That's a weighty model, but not outrageously so. Somewhere on the CLAG site I think there's a recommendation that a loco should ideally compress it's springs by around 0.5mm, that being enough to keep some weight on all the wheels when negotiating track irregularities (unless negotiating NCB sidings when 0.5m really doesn't cover it, and derailments would be prototypical - and then you'd need an army of Modelu workmen types standing around the mishap looking on while one bloke labours with packing timber and the big jack - digression, now back to subject). As it happens the WD would compress it's springs by very close to 0.5mm if it weighed 280 grammes. That's either a total co-incidence, or Mr Bradwell got his sums right. Probably the latter. In fact here's not much room to manoeuvre with springs at this scale. The stiffness of the a wire spring being proportional to the cube of the diameter, the steps between commercially available wire diameters make big differences to spring stiffness. It's quite likely that one diameter up and the springs become much too strong, and one diameter down (if you can actually find thinner wire) makes springs that are too soft. You can alter the length of the spring wire within the limits imposed by the chassis design, or you can change the spring material. Practically there's a choice between spring steel wire or phosphor bronze wire, with PB springs being about half the stiffness of steel, everything else being equal. So I'll go with the steel wire springs supplied with the kit and see how it works out.
So how much weight needs to be added, and where? All the loco parts were gathered together and weighed on the kitchen scales, and that weight was subtracted from 280g. I need to add about 100g. I also want the centre of mass to be close to the centre of the driving wheelbase. There is space in the boiler, but if I put all the 100g in there the CoM would end up well forward. The only other space where a reasonable amount of weight could be added is the firebox, and that would have to fit around the motor and gearbox. Brain hurts, and I can't work this out on paper. CAD time again.

The weights are made from lead, shown orange in the screen grab. The boiler weight can be a simple cylinder of a size that can be fiddled into place through the firebox. The firebox weight has to sit up abovethe motor and back against the rear firebox former. Both weights have to fit up through the lower aperture in the firebox, so that limits their width. The basic shapes were modelled and tweaked until the combined centre of mass (the little red, green, blue axis arrows in the pic above) sat between axles 2 and 3. When you're designing something to a weight limit it's always really hard to make things light enough without spending silly money. And conversely when you're trying to get something up to a target weight it's hard to find space to add mass. It just about works with lead weights. If you were struggling to get the mass in, an alternative would be to use tungsten.
Density of Lead 11,343 kg /m3
Density if Tungsten 19,600 kg/m3
Density of Tungsten carbide 15,800 kg/m3
Density of Uranium 19,050 kg/m3
Yes, you can get Tungsten on eBay and Amazon, in the form of TIG welding electrodes, up to 10mm heaven help us, and expensive. Discarded milling cutters would be a source of Tungsten carbide, but you need diamond to cut it. Uranium isn't anything like as heavy as I'd imagined, you can't get it on Amazon (yet), and there are probably other good reasons for not using it.
When the size and shape of the weights was settled, off the the workshop to make some. I cast two blanks using a length of thick wall steel tube bored to a diameter slightly larger than the weights. Put a slight taper on the inside diameter otherwise you'll not get the lead out when it's cooled. I know, I tried before adding a taper! This is a great opportunity to use up all those odd scraps of lead you can't find a use for but can't bear to throw away. Just heat up the tube and drop in the bits & bobs, scrape the scum off the top and let it cool.
Some very easy machining later and I have two weights. Both were carefully positioned and fixed with plenty of epoxy. The boiler / firebox sub-assembly has some heft to it now.
Change of subject, in case it wasn't obvious.
A pox on you Mr Walschaerts. You clearly didn't think about the 4mm modeller when you invented your eponymous valve gear. The WD gear is etched dead to scale and surprisingly delicate for the rough and lumpen WD. See earlier post about making the parts. t's a right fiddle to assemble. Getting the clearances for sufficient articulation at all the joints requires lots of micro fettling. I have an escapement file ground down to 0.5mm thick which is handy for cleaning out the forked joints. 0.55mm brass pins had their heads reduced by file in a mini drill to make the pivot pins. Soldering the pins in place has great disaster potential, ending up with everything soldered solid isn't unknown. I do it by using aluminium foil as a solder mask and heat sink. The traditional method is to use paper, but aluminium foil is much thinner, resists flux and solder, and is easier to get out cleanly afterwards I find.

The foil is inserted on the side of the joint where the pin will be soldered. I use a tiny blob of paste flux (which doesn't tend to migrate through the joint as much as liquid flux) and a tiny sliver of 145 solder which is held in place by the flux. The pin is then heated with a soldering iron about 5mm from the joint, and when the flux boils and the solder melts at the joint the iron is removed pronto. Works nine times out of ten, which is to say that I'm bound to end up soldering one joint solid on a project like this - which I did.

Here is one side mostly assembled. Just the return crank to work out, and it'll be a pig. I chose to set it in about half forward gear so the valve spindle moves when it's running. It'll be correct about half of the time I guess. The most difficult part of this assembly is where the combination lever , radius rod and valve spindle meet. You really have to work out the clearances around the valve guide casting before you try and assemble things. In particular make sure there's enough of a gap between the 'horns' of the guide for the spindle forks and the pivot pin heads to move freely. Oh, and I'm really sorry about the huge screw holding the coupling rod to the front crankpin, I can't think of any other way to make it work in S4. Seems to be sitting slightly too high on the springs though doesn't it? Hmmm..........