Back in the day I vaguely remember test running the rolling chassis with the coupling rods on. Even more vaguely I seem to remember that it ran OK. Older me has little faith in the ability of younger me, and back then I don't think I had any measuring device more sophisticated than a 6 inch steel ruler. Just out of curiosity I thought I'd measure how accurate the axle and rods centres are. I think I set the axle centres from the rod centres using those dummy axles with a spigot on the end over which the rods are dropped. I think there were springs involved to stop the axle bearing guides from flopping about, and probably a flint axe.
How to measure something like this? I have the usual selection of edge finders and a Haimer for the milling machine, but they're not much use on features this size. I'm sure I read somewhere that Swindon was using optical methods for cylinder alignment when the rest were using bits of wood and string. Hate to admit it, but I'll follow Mr Churcward's lead on this. A couple of years ago I made an optical centring microscope for the mill. It was from a
Hemingway kit. Took some time and head scratching, and in the end I had to modify the optics before I was happy with it. Not sure what magnification I ended up with, something like 40x or 50x. Having got it set up and centred properly, I've not found much use for it...until now!

The chassis was set on a parallel in the milling vice and just nudged up to put the straight top edge against the rear jaw of the vice. The focus was set using the fine feed on the quill. The depth of field is tiny, so it's a really useful way of adjusting focus. It's OK in workshop ambient light, but an extra light source from one side helps to see the edges clearly. Using the DRO turns it into a low rent co-ordinate measuring machine.

I set the X zero as the rear edge of the chassis side plate, and Y zero as halfway up the horn guide gap, roughly where the axle centre should be. Then, working from rear to front, I found and recorded the inside edge of the horn guide bearing faces. At this magnification the brass looks like the surface of the moon, and your tidiest work looks like a ploughed field. I'd rounded the edges of the plates making up the bearing faces to prevent the bearing blocks binding, so some fiddling with focus was needed to find the actual faces. Flipped the chassis over and did the other side.

I did the coupling rods in a similar way. This time I just laid them on the vice jaws, roughly lined up with the edge of a parallel. Because they're articulated I centred on the crankpin holes (the graticule has crosshairs and concentric rings so that's easy). I took the leading crankpin hole as zero datum and took X and Y measurements for the other holes. The distance between centres can be calculated from the X and Y differences between adjacent holes. Yes, those nice neat holes look like shell holes at his magnification - ugly!
The measurements were dropped into a spreadsheet to find the results. Axle centres from the chassis first...
The horn guide gaps I guess are meant to be nominally 4mm. They vary between a slightly tight 3.89mm to a clearance of 4.10mm. Not bad for etch fold ups and manual soldered assembly.
The effective axle centres calculated from this vary from the exact scales dimension by no more than 0.07mm (and that's about 5mm on the prototype!), and most are closer than that. And the difference between axles centres between the LH and RH sides is no greater than 0.13mm.
I have to say I was surprised that it was so accurate. Just shows what you can achieve using basic tools and techniques if you're careful and follow a logical process.
The coupling rods next, and if I set the axles from the coupling rods you'd not expect them to be much different.
Once again the centres don't deviate from nominal by more than 0.07mm. The interesting thing about this is that the rod centres are really set by the etching artwork and process, and you have to conclude that Mr Bradwell and his etcher did a good job here.
Comparing rod centres with the corresponding axles centres shows a maximum deviation of o.13mm, and mostly a lot less.
The DRO measures to 0.005mm allegedly. There will be small errors in finding the hornguide edge positions. I've rounded to the nearest 0.01mm which is probably appropriate.
What I've not attempted to do is measure how perpendicular the axles are to the chassis centre line. The chassis could be slightly trapezoidal in plan and still give good centre distances. It probably has less impact on smooth running than matching axle and rod centre distances. Also what's not taken into account here are mechanical clearances; between bearing blocks and horn guides, and between axles and bearing blocks. I do have the bearings and axles marked so they always go back in the same position. Other variables are the crank throw of the wheels and the crankpin to rod clearances and the quartering.
Overall I'm surprised how accurate everything is. I'd expected much worse. Bit of an eye opener. Could I actually do much better now I have better tools and measuring equipment? Probably not, but I was younger then with better eyesight and a steadier hand!
When you start to add up tolerances like this it seems like a miracle that eight coupled models of this size actually manage to run at all. Then again the WDs were notoriously slack mechanically, hence the clanking. I recall an anecdote, maybe Keith Miles in BRILL back in the day, about getting a set of WD rod bearings machined to the 'correct' size to demonstrate to the shed fitters than there was no need for the clank. Naturally , when they were offered up they wouldn't fit. Eyes were rolled and toldyousos muttered from under cloth caps, and back they went to the machine shop to be bored out to a size that allowed them to be 'thrown' onto the crankpins.