I've made the decision on basic shape and format for my layout. (I missed my own deadline as usual!)
After weighing up all manner of far more complex possibilities, I've decided to go with a simple "plank" shape and concentrate on recreating the shed area in as much accuracy and detail as possible (within the scope of my scratch building skills!). It will be about 20ft long x 2ft wide, with absolute accuracy for the shed area, and then using some modellers licence to shorten the run into the station (or there will be a big open area with no focal interest), and cheeky remodelling of the end of platforms 3/4 to create an out-of-view area for on/off tracking of locos.
Perhaps a bit safe and un-inspiring from a viewers perspective but this ticks all the boxes for me. The key factors that guided me were:
- Staying with O Gauge.
- A design that was realistically achievable in terms of my available hobby time and money.
- Something that will actually get finished.
- Whole layout can be set-up within my current house.
- Portable. Able to load and transport to exhibitions on my own if required. (And require no bigger than a transit van to transport.
- My interest is in building, rather than operating, so limited operating potential is not a concern.
The next step is too create a more detailed, scale track layout design with point locations and then then see how that might be divided into sensible board sizes. (Preferably all the same size!).
How I got there...
My original grand concept, was to create a modular system of layouts that could each be constructed as stand-alone models in their own right...
However, reality dawned on me, that this would likely never get finished. It would also require much more space than I have available, so I could never set up the whole layout at home.
I could, at a push, build a shed across the bottom of my garden, about 60ft long. That would allow the above design to be constructed in OO. I toyed with the idea for a while, but decided against it.
If anyone is interested, here's how I like to do my thinking and designing... I prefer to doodle on the back of old wallpaper rolls, rather than small sheets of paper, with visual props to help me visualise how things might look. (The 08's for a useful scale comparrision are in O and OO. It didn't take me much thinking to know I wanted to stay with O gauge!).