Things are hotting up at the Larkrail administration HQ, stalwart volunteers have been phoning and e-mailing in for duty on the day, vast quantities of new titles for discerning readers are arriving at Titfield Towers and, joy of joys, it looks as if we will be running a genuine "Bath Services" Bristol Lodekka from the Bath Bus Company stand in the centre of a Bath right out to Larkhall Square!
This is subject to the clearing of a last few administrative hurdles and is possible through the kindness of Martin Curtis of the Bath Bus Company and Mike Walker and Alan Peters who own the bus.
The actual vehicle is featured here:
If visitors are really unlucky my alter ego Reg might done his dust coat and do a bit of conductering...
The driver will be Mike Bass of the Strawberry line between Keynsham and Bath
I am also very grateful to Paul Karau for running the Larkrail ad again in the latest MRJ, eagle eyed readers will note that this year's show takes place on the 19th July.....
Let's hope the weather is good, I'm looking forward to another belting good show!