The three 08 shunters used on the layout have now been furnished with drivers. This chap is from Modelu who, unfortunately, had both legs amputated, as Bachmann 08's have a false floor which fills most of the lower cab to just below the windows.

The wagon fleet was recently enlarged to include the following vehicles:

Bachmann Lowfit with interior repainted and brush weathered with acrylic paint. The folded wagon sheet is part of a Smith's product.

Bachmann 5-plank wagon, brush weathered and covered with a Smith's BR wagon sheet. Thread used for the ropes, although they can't be seen in this view. I couldn't resist the puddle!

Bachmann again. Weathered with a brush and acrylics. Interiors repainted.

Dapol tank weathered by the manufacturer. I simply added the spillage in acrylic and fitted Bachmann couplings.
London Road Sidings is appearing at the Tenterden Exhibition this coming weekend. If you are attending please stop by and say hello.