Mickoo's American Modelling Empire

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
Grass may go as the dogs just turn it into the Somme in the winter time.
We had a similar problem with our north-facing garden every Winter, so we got rid of it and replaced it with artificial stuff - highly recommended....

Excuse the state of the garden, but it's still a work in progress. I took the picture, because we lost 3 fence panels in last week's storm. By the way, that's our rabbit hutch on the right! :)):))




Western Thunderer
Looking at height of 48" and shelves underneath for storage. Outside - zero interest in wildlife, biology or cultivation :D grass may go as the dogs just turn it into the Somme in the winter time.

Insulation is 100 mm jablite on all surfaces including floor, if that's not enough I'll add another 100 mm skin inside on top of that. Fortunately the shed is tucked in a corner so three faces are protected from the wind which will help.
You'll find 4" insulation will be enough especially if you fit some form of electric heating ( although non of us will be able to afford it soon as it becomes a luxury item ! ). My own workshop even with the heating turned off in sub zero conditions stays an ambient temperature so that nothing gets damp.


Western Thunderer
You'll find 4" insulation will be enough especially if you fit some form of electric heating ( although non of us will be able to afford it soon as it becomes a luxury item ! ). My own workshop even with the heating turned off in sub zero conditions stays an ambient temperature so that nothing gets damp.
Cheers, hopefully 4" is enough, I need at least one heater like yours, maybe two, do you have the details of them please.

Mick D


Western Thunderer
2 KW oil filled radiator too, Mick. It's more than adequate for my insulated workshop which has about 3 inch insulation walls, floor and ceiling.



Western Thunderer
We have two oil filled radiators in the 39" x 14" shed at the SR7mm Group, which easily bring the temperature up to 23 degrees. I believe the shed has 4" insulation, and is double glazed too.



Western Thunderer
A quick extra comment to mine in post # 29 above - I have a dehumidifier running in the workshop 24/7 and the small heat output from that keeps the space quite reasonable as a "starter" but the heater is certainly necessary if working out there for any length of time.



Western Thunderer
Rain stopped play yesterday, well it didn't start so today they cracked on and got thus far.



Monday should see the remaining walls and roof clad then it'll sit waiting for the windows and door on hopefully the 5th Mar before the battens, cladding and insulation can be fitted, finally the internal covering and floor will top it out.

It's a bit higher than I wished but still within regulations......just.


Flying Squad
I still believe that stacked Portacabins is the way to go here.....:rolleyes:

You can even buy an stl file for £18 and print them yourself....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
[ed : link removed as they are not stl files and must not be 3D printed]

Outside helix.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:
My sincere apologies but I have had to edit your post to remove the link and state explicitly that they are not stl files nor must they be 3D printed.

In all the years of looking after this forum this has generated one of the most ridiculous and hilarious "take down" notices I have ever received. So a short story.

I'm not welded to my email client so I only check it a couple of times a day. This evening when going through my emails I spotted a couple that didn't appear to be spam but a request "to remove false info" from the forum, and it was related to this post.

So at 13:50 today I got the following email from sohocg.net
One of your users has stated falsely that people can buy STL 3d models to print multiple copies from sohocg.net this is totally false info as we don't allow 3d mode files to be 3d printed and don't sell STL files, don't sell any models that can be 3d printed and don't sell to anyone in the 3d model community. Please can you remove the post and the link from your website and the info is totally false and we don't want to deal with all the traffic from people who want to acquire 3d models to print when that is not what sohocg is for or about. The post in question is:
This was closely followed with another one 30 minutes later at 14:23 stating
The post is against your terms on your website and against ours as it encourages fraud and illegal distribution of 3d assets plus its false info we don't sell STL files and we don't sell to anyone who is 3d printing and don't sell any printable files. Please remove the post:
Followed up less than an hour later at 15:17 trying to escalate it with
I am now on the phone to your webhost to get them to do something about it as I see you have done nothing.

So I have edited your post to remove the link and state explicitly that they are not stl files and they don't supply models for 3D printing.

As the link is publicly viewable on the internet I see no legitimate nor legal reason that can be enforced to remove the link from the forum after all as this google link shows it is easily found : sohocg portacabin

So all highly amusing - initially I had some sympathy with them as they seem to have had some problem in the past with people copying digital models as their notice on the website indicates.

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 20.44.13.png

So I toned down my response to something I considered non-confrontational
Hello Anonymous,

No problem at all but you don’t have to go “full postal” on it.

You sent the first email at 13:50 and this one timed at 15:16. So less than 1 1/2 hrs and you’re already escalating it is pretty ridiculous in my opinion.

Perhaps on your website which has a public link advertising a 3D render model for £18 you ought to make it crystal clear they are not for 3D printing because it’s certainly not obvious to me. Our site is a tiny, tiny niche forum so you are unlikely to see hoards of modellers trying to acquire STL files. Also there appears to be no obvious way to add any model to the shopping cart and actually purchase it I fail to see how the general user will ever be able to actually download any 3D render anyway.

So thanks for the entertainment and I will amend the post tonight to make it clear they are definitely not sty files and not available for 3D printing.

All the best

Adrian Cherry

I was going to highlight some of the more amusing stipulations in the terms and conditions but I have found that he has blocked my home IP address from accessing his website (403 Forbidden). Yes I know I could use mobile data or vpn to get to the page but I really can't be bothered. So please whatever you do please do not use google to find the link and whatever you do - DO NOT click on the End User License Agreement as I fear that I will be visited by a SWAT team in the middle of the night.

To cap it all this is the response I had to my email - not condescending in the slightest and removed any remaining vestiges of sympathy I may have had. What a way to run a business!
Hi Toy train people! Choo Choo!

The website clearly says on every page that SOHOCG only sells 3d models to 3d designers and 3d visualisers and other professional 3d users... that means non of the people on your forum.

It also clearly says on every page which 3d models formats are available and STL is not included because non of the models can be printed.

It also clearly says in the terms how the models can be used within the terms and that any kind of distribution is not legal and 3d printing is all about distribution.

Therefore the website gives plenty info on every page... your user does not care to read or understand and wishes to decided how my products will be used within his own fantasy terms.

This sentence shows that you and your users have no understanding of how 3d or 3d models work as it makes no sense to any pro 3d user... QUOTE: 'I fail to see how the general user will ever be able to actually download any 3D render anyway.'

If you think 3d model websites are about downloading 3d renders which no 3d model website do... as renders are what a user generate using 3d models... then its clear that you and all of your users should stay clear of things you don't understand as per the terms on SOHOCG. That should be simple to understand... but I have my doubts... Thanks!

Thanks for all the useless traffic to my site from toy train people... Perhaps on your website you should actually have some rules about what people post.

Thanks for removing the post! Its good to share info but bad when its telling people to do things which are not possible and also not legal.


So to remove any scintilla of doubt you MUST NOT 3D print these files which are NOT STL files and despite publicly advertised at £18 are most definitely NOT for sale to us. I hope that is clear. :)) :))


Western Thunderer

So sorry that you've been involved in this. I can't pretend to understand it, but the reaction seems excessive and to absolutely lack any sort of empathy.

You have ensured that we'll not be 3D printing these files.


PS. Who the hell are these people?


Western Thunderer
My sincere apologies but I have had to edit your post to remove the link and state explicitly that they are not stl files nor must they be 3D printed.

In all the years of looking after this forum this has generated one of the most ridiculous and hilarious "take down" notices I have ever received. So a short story.

I'm not welded to my email client so I only check it a couple of times a day. This evening when going through my emails I spotted a couple that didn't appear to be spam but a request "to remove false info" from the forum, and it was related to this post.

So at 13:50 today I got the following email from sohocg.net

This was closely followed with another one 30 minutes later at 14:23 stating

Followed up less than an hour later at 15:17 trying to escalate it with

So I have edited your post to remove the link and state explicitly that they are not stl files and they don't supply models for 3D printing.

As the link is publicly viewable on the internet I see no legitimate nor legal reason that can be enforced to remove the link from the forum after all as this google link shows it is easily found : sohocg portacabin

So all highly amusing - initially I had some sympathy with them as they seem to have had some problem in the past with people copying digital models as their notice on the website indicates.

So I toned down my response to something I considered non-confrontational

I was going to highlight some of the more amusing stipulations in the terms and conditions but I have found that he has blocked my home IP address from accessing his website (403 Forbidden). Yes I know I could use mobile data or vpn to get to the page but I really can't be bothered. So please whatever you do please do not use google to find the link and whatever you do - DO NOT click on the End User License Agreement as I fear that I will be visited by a SWAT team in the middle of the night.

To cap it all this is the response I had to my email - not condescending in the slightest and removed any remaining vestiges of sympathy I may have had. What a way to run a business!

So to remove any scintilla of doubt you MUST NOT 3D print these files which are NOT STL files and despite publicly advertised at £18 are most definitely NOT for sale to us. I hope that is clear. :)) :))

I’m at a loss to understand where they’re coming from or where they’re going. But it’s been a long night, with a mediocre comedian and a rocking pub band (I wish we’d found the band first, I’d much rather have given them my fifteen quid) so perhaps it’ll make more sense in the morning.

but I doubt it.