Onward with something new, Mercian LNWR Webb 2-4-2T.
It's an old kit and as noted in the instructions 'builds a representation of the target engine.
In lay mans terms, empty your scrap bin, grab the fret saw and make sure you're stocked up on brass sheet
To be fair what's in the box will build a nice model but there is room for improvement and it's aimed at LNWR engines, preferably without coal rails. My target engine is early LMS so quite a lot needs to be changed anyway irrespective of the kit parts.
First thing to go was the footplate, it has slots for the tanks, cabs etc but they're massively over sized so you're going to be spending an age filling and smoothing, second to go in the bin.....well it's actually quicker to write what's been kept.
Cab front, cab sides, cab rear, locker doors, rear bunker and buffer beams, everything else is scratch built and moving forward will be too.
The kit is aimed primarily for LNWR engines, ideally those without coal rails and the four coal space doors (which were sealed up and replaced with one large one at the top when coal rails were fitted). By chance the rear cab wall is a lapped sheet construction so you can hide the lower half etched lines to aid the door alignment with a new sheet.
New cab tanks and floor (tacked in as it might need jacking up a mm or so to clear the gear box; that won't be noticed as the tank balancing pipes run right across the entrance and will hide the little step up. New front tanks as the kit ones didn't allow for the depressed top and closure/weather plate, that plate will be added once the boiler is in place.
There's a bundle of other small changes needed to bring it to early LMS guise which will get added as it goes on, I'll try to remember to explain them all.