7mm Mickoo's Commercial Workbench


Western Thunderer
Definitely the right approach Mick. I've learnt my lesson trying to rush things. Errors and accidents happen.
Yeah, had one today, smokebox door hinge snapped and had to be low melt solder repaired and dressed back, not sure why as it's utter dog shit to be honest but it's metal so that makes it good. The hinge bar was warped and distorted and needed replacing with brass wire as well.

It's currently held in with double sided tape for the photos, but I know it's going to niggle the heck out of me whilst away so it'll get ripped out as soon as I get back and a 3D one fitted. The only saving grace of metal (brass or white metal) is being able to solder on the lamp iron, other than that, in my view, they should all be consigned to the waste bin.

I'll blow a witness coat of this one before I bin it and show how badly pock marked it is, I don't have the time, nor does the client have the wallet, to smooth this with filler and make good.

I've still got to sort the chimney, there's two single ones in the kit, typical JLTRT castings, nothing or duplicates....note to self, keep all duplicates for future JLTRT kits ;).....one has a giant mould line down each side which will barely dress out and remain round, the second is a good mould joint but badly pitted and pock marked, either way, you're looking at several hours work to smooth out and fit.

I already know the outside steam elbows in the kit are too anemic, the 70xx had the bigger fatter insulated ones so they'll have to be 3D printed as well, other than that, the rest is pretty workable and won't take long to finish off.

This evening is Google earth looking for photo spots and tomorrow photographing all my HO so I don't duplicate purchases and then begin journey mid afternoon.