Way back at the tail end of 2019 I had a Bulleid Light Pacific (BLP) on the books and the track view through that big 'ole at the front was disturbing. To that end I knocked up a smoke box chamber which required the builder to cut and fold a shaped brass shell (an etch was considered if there had been more interest) and attach the 3D print, the associated pipes also needed adding.
Whilst it is pretty dark in there the blastpipe can be seen and once painted with a little weathering and highlighting is a whole lot better than the track view.
Fast forward almost exactly two years and another BLP has been added to the schedule, since increased to two and it was time to think about resurrecting the smoke box chamber module. That seed sat dormant until this week when someone required two more, they were happy to cut the metal and proceed as before, I being time short was not.
Long story short and several trial prints has seen the unit evolve into a virtual stand alone item, one only needs add the two blast pipe area pipes which are to small to support themselves printed, those being the blower ring pipework and vacuum ejector pipe.
The new unit has all the walls (whilst the rear wall top end cannot be seen, it does set the correct height of the unit and stabilise it in the casing) and floor added as one unit, simply paint, flip the casing upside down, drop in and glue; I also added a few more details which had since come to light. The unit is designed specifically for the Finney7 casing and to fit within the inner taper, though I'm sure it'll fit other models with a bit of adjustment.
The walls and floors do use more resin (expense) and increase the print time from 2 to 9 hours, but the time saved not having to cut out the metal shell or the expense of an etched shell then I think is worth it.
There is a slight error with the new unit shown, the floor over the middle cylinder has been accidentally raised, it should be lower and show the two longitudinal ribs in there as seen on the original design. That has been rectified and the first two production units have just finished in the printer as I write this.
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