An update on the Bulleid Light Pacific (BLP) smoke box chamber.
A couple of points that need clarifying first;
1: This is a stand alone project, currently only available from myself, not Finney7, more later on that though.
2: Cost per unit is £35 inc P&P
Right, down to the nitty gritty, the petticoat unit has a revision and now has two securing ears to take self tapping screws. The reason for this is that the BLP casing resin is a witch to secure things to and the last thing you want is the petticoat rattling around in the chamber. Sods law will say that the module will stick fast, but the petticoat will come adrift and be inaccessible, the self tappers will eliminate that risk.
The revised (first four printing now for shipping this week) chamber module does not have the forward steam pipes or the recessed side wall they sit in; once the petticoat is added these features cannot be seen. Thus the two modules shown here are surplus, as are two further modules with plain pipes. If someone want's to make a sensible offer then they can have them, on the understanding that they are different from the production run and that the pipes will not be seen.
The Finney7 link, whilst I am part of Finney7 we don't not have sole rights to members activities, hence these initially being a solo venture.
However, there comes a point where it is sensible to consider longer (more economical) production runs if demand warrants it (BLP cab interior and wheel overlays being two previous examples). With that in mind we had a huddle at Chateau Finney this morning and we are going to explore getting these cast in the same resin as the casing.
There are several caveats with that, the design might have to be adjusted to suit the mould process rather than the print process. Typically the side cranked steam pipes might have to come off and be fitted post casting by the modeller, I suspect they will be supplied as stand alone resin parts and they will just need gluing into holes in the middle cylinder casting.
The other factor is time, it will take some time to work up these up for sale from Finney7, possible several months so until then the printed ones will be the only source.
Cost, the cost of the current printed ones is exactly the same as the future cast ones, it would be folly to contradict each other. It was the future casting avenue which defined the final cost, not the printed version which worked out slightly more.
P&P may not be included on Finney7 sales, that will be decided closer to the time and by others in darkened dungeons under the Chateau.
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