More Peppercorn A1 woes, the front end footplate has several errors to catch the unwary, well you won't be once you hit them.
On the plus side the rear end forms up perfectly with everything just so, the splasher faces line up perfectly with the wheel centres so up to the small drop section at the front is fine.
As an aside, the motion bracket is also too tall on the top side so has to be heavily trimmed down to allow the footplate to sit level. Overall between the top of the slide bar and bottom of the footplate the motion bracket is too tall by about 3.5 - 4 mm.
Having solved that the front frame extensions were fitted and it was pretty clear there was a problem right after tack soldering the first in place. Basically the extensions protrude too far by about 2 mm, there's a slot in the footplate that needs extending rearward and the long finger of the upper frames that butts up to the small riser is also too long by the same amount and needs cutting back.
The next issue is the actual drop front, it butts up to the side valances but these terminate flush with the footplate edge which means the whole front platform sticks out past the frames by a mm or so. You have to trim the valances at the front so that the drop plate sits under the footplate itself.
On my etches the slots for the frame extensions were over etched badly, about 0.4 mm slop so it's hard to centre them for the final smoke box saddle base plate and middle cylinder cover plate fitting.
That cover has the front end securing nut on the underside and the cover is supposed to sit flush with the top of the frames, it sits too high so the small fold up support needs trimming down as does the rear fold down edge, then.....sigh...the sloped middle cylinder front is now too get the picture.
The cover can have a tendency to flex and distort this area if you over tighten the front fixing. I added two small strips of square casting sprue to prevent that to the footplate.
The valve chest covers have an issue with the half etched slot for the cover walls, on the footplate part of it is in the wrong place, the lid etched slot fits perfectly, the etched slot on the footplate doesn't so some creative hacking is needed to get the covers to sit flat.
Finally, way back on the LH running board is a rivet that presses out into a slot for a footplate fence, don't press it out, it shouldn't be there.
The outer footplate frame extensions is out by quite a bit and does not line up with the front bogie wheel.
The inner core frame is perfectly aligned with the bogie wheels.