I'm not so sure my machine is poor, it has turned out some outstanding prints, a lot of them commercial with happy returning customers.
Comparing my current prints with Simon's originals and his first machine was really bad, with his new machine I think he has the edge. I do get better prints if I clean the base of the vat, the laser head rubs along the bottom of the vat FEP and on mine it builds up streaks of hardened dust, a bit like the stuff you get on the bottom of PC mouse supports.
But, it has been hard work and my biggest bug bear is that I expected more for the price tag, the lack of AA pi55ed me off no end and that I suspect has clouded my judgement and feelings toward the machine and frankly left a bad after taste.
To be brutally honest and heart on sleeve, I expected injection moulded quality for the price tag and to be fair that was probably a lofty expectation from a 50 micron machine.
Preform updates are laughable sometimes, they often make things worse than better; the trick is to get a decent base firmware update that works and hold it in reserve, try the new one and if pants, roll back and wait for the next update. I found 3.23.0 very good and have stuck with it ever since, I think there are quite a few updates since then, I've not tried them, I really should as they may be chipping away at little niggles in the back ground.
They did an update a while back that made a significant improvement on the surface quality of my prints, it wasn't mentioned in their blurb but I noticed a distinct improvement. They also changed their support tips to rectangular rather than spherical, that made a huge difference to getting the parts off the support structure and reduces the amount of sludge (soggy face) on the faces closest to the build plate.
The Saturn 2 has better surface quality than the Form (it's to be expected really as it's a 25 micron machine so direct comparisons are unfair) but the rear side (soggy face) is really dire

, what it gives with one hand it taketh away in spades with the other.
Eitherway, the Form is retired, it'll get stripped out, cleaned wrapped up, I'll try and pass it on to someone in the used Form user groups, you'll never get top $$ for it but if it just pays for a Phrozen Mighty 8K then I'll be happy, the rest of the cost I'll write off.
If not, the bin monster is always hungry.