7mm Mickoo's Commercial Workbench


Western Thunderer
Three more done, two need DCC fitting in the next few days and then all will go to their new homes.

Someone said something to me over the weekend about my prolific commercial work posting (modelling and 3D), it did make me reflect on something that's always sat uncomfortably just below the surface personally.

WT is not really about commercial work and to be fair I've had a growing feeling this thread is becoming less and less useful to all parties.

To that end this is probably the last big post here, even so I'll cut back the photo bomb overload; I may do a final one post on the Garratt for closure. Come the new year I'll either start a dedicated Facebook page or blog page and post all commercial work there.




It's been fun but things move on :thumbs:

Arun Sharma

Western Thunderer
Three more done, two need DCC fitting in the next few days and then all will go to their new homes.

Someone said something to me over the weekend about my prolific commercial work posting (modelling and 3D), it did make me reflect on something that's always sat uncomfortably just below the surface personally.

WT is not really about commercial work and to be fair I've had a growing feeling this thread is becoming less and less useful to all parties.

To that end this is probably the last big post here, even so I'll cut back the photo bomb overload; I may do a final one post on the Garratt for closure. Come the new year I'll either start a dedicated Facebook page or blog page and post all commercial work there.

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It's been fun but things move on :thumbs:
I can't speak for anyone else but I find your comments and postings on 3D printing very helpful. While I've been involved with high-end 3D CAD for twenty or so years, the 3D printing side is relatively new so I for one would like to see more.

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
Hi Mick

I’ve never really considered your posts to be commercial, I just enjoy them for what they are - quality modelling, excellent workarounds for dodgy kits and a mine of information, especially so, with your increasing use of 3D printing, a subject that interests me a great deal.

It would be a shame if you were to move it all to somewhere else, as although I do visit Facebook (for example), a lot of folk on here don’t. If/when you do go, please be sure to let us all know, so we can follow you and carry on being inspired and entertained.




Western Thunderer
I can't speak for anyone else but I find your comments and postings on 3D printing very helpful. While I've been involved with high-end 3D CAD for twenty or so years, the 3D printing side is relatively new so I for one would like to see more.
All my non commercial stuff, aka US and Euro I'll happily keep posting and that has a lot of new ground to cover in the future.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Mick - I am in total agreement with Arun and Dan. Your postings that provide an insight into modelling beyond expectation are a gold mine to those WTers that aspire to improve their pwn modelling. Please continue to favour us with "words and music" about your modelling challenges and solutions ("words and music" refers to the output of LBSCR in the Model Engineer).

If you do decide that an alternative home for a record of your modelling is a good thing then please try to avoid FB as, in my opinion, the biggest drawback of that medium is that work gets "buried" too easily and there is minimal support for searching for individual posts. FB is driven by immediacy and is not a home for archival / documentary information.

regards, Graham


Western Thunderer
Hi Mick

I’ve never really considered your posts to be commercial, I just enjoy them for what they are - quality modelling, excellent workarounds for dodgy kits and a mine of information, especially so, with your increasing use of 3D printing, a subject that interests me a great deal.

It would be a shame if you were to move it all to somewhere else, as although I do visit Facebook (for example), a lot of folk on here don’t. If/when you do go, please be sure to let us all know, so we can follow you and carry on being inspired and entertained.


I appreciate that, but this is the only commercial build thread on the whole of Western Thunder, Nick does the odd update here and there but this thread is a bit of a loud yobbo in what is a quite modelling corner of the web.

I had considered...and very nearly did....make the final curtain call late last year, I cannot recall why I didn't but I've been increasingly uneasy posting commercial work here.

I have other changes to plan/make as well, one is scale in an attempt to get some play-ability back in my hobby, the others are all commercial.


Western Thunderer
I agree with Dan, Arun and Graham, your work in progress posts are useful and interesting and have never come across as advertising or 'commercial'. It seems your number of posts is quite restrained considering the amount you build. While I fully understand if you want to set up your own site to promote your work it will be a shame if you stop posting about how you achieve the fantastic outcomes. I sometimes wonder how you can continue to be so positive considering what you sometimes get to start with, must be the challenge in solving problems.


Western Thunderer
I have always found your thread interesting. It's about top-notch workmanship, which I love to see. There are top-notch painters showing their work on WT as well. So what. I've been known to bang on about coaches even though I did it commercially until 2018. Whatever course you take, good luck.

michael mott

Western Thunderer
If you do decide that an alternative home for a record of your modelling is a good thing then please try to avoid FB as, in my opinion, the biggest drawback of that medium is that work gets "buried" too easily and there is minimal support for searching for individual posts. FB is driven by immediacy and is not a home for archival / documentary information.
I totally agree with Grahams Comment, and I find your posts most inspiring please do keep showing us here.



Western Thunderer
Mick, please don't go. Yours is one of the first threads that I will read when visiting. I don't regard it as commercial: it is inspirational modelling that is educational. The fact that you make a couple of groats from it is incidental. I post photos of models that I have built on commission - would I need to stop that too? I don't post here as an advert for my services, and I think most people here understand that neither do you.


PS it was good to see the garratt in the flesh brass/polymer on Saturday.


Western Thunderer
I too echo the sentiments, your modelling, indeed, your ”no compromise” approach to modelling is inspiring and informative, and has been a great help to me personally, particularly over the recent acquisition of the 3DP.

I’m not wildly into US / European stuff, though good modelling is good modelling and I always browse those threads to see what folks are up to, but your UK “commercial” thread is a go-to whenever you post something new. I personally would miss that. I know you‘re a professional builder, but don’t see your posts as advertising.

So, I would urge that you continue to post your workbench thread, and by all means, have a commercial website too - Heather has her modelling and photography “business sites” for example.

Facebook? Well, it seems popular, but I don’t go there. It’s frustrating, as I know there’s good stuff on it, but I won’t sign up just so I can search.

my 2 cents’ worth (if that…)


Western Thunderer
Please don’t go to Facebook! A Wordpress blog makes much more sense. More professional as suits your skills and without the Ooh Aah dross!

I do understand your concerns about the commercial aspect of your work. But you have so much to share with us novices when it comes to kit and scratch building. I wouldn’t pursue, however slowly, the various kits I have, if it wasn’t for your influence on WT.

Bon Courage, whatever you do, Paul
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Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
Mick is was great to be able to meet you at the Guildford show on Saturday. Without your build thread here I would have probably barely given your Garrett a second glance, but you have engaged me with your descriptions here, your accounts of trials and tribulations and your solutions and of course your craftsmanship and techniques . . . please stay and keep this going.

david duxbury

Active Member
Hi MIck
Sad to hear your moving on. Not a big fan of facebook, I have an account but don`t use it (Dinosaur) What is going to happen to the Bulleid Light Pacifics builds with all the new build principles around it? Still waiting in eagerness for updates on the build now its getting to the interesting bit, the smokebox interiors and nickel silver etches for the air smoothed case.

Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
I'm in complete agreement with the positive comments from others. I model in 4 mm scale (P4) but find your posts absolutely inspirational. I don't find them "too commercial" and don't care if your models are mainly built under commission or for your own amusement. It's the quality of workmanship and attention to detail that matters to me.
Please keep posting on WT as, like others, I don't participate in Facebook and don't want to lose access to your wonderful modelling.



Western Thunderer
Its all been said in previous posts, you may be full time commercial but there's probably others posting here that do it commercially on a part time or occasional basis. Your work is an inspiration, something that most of use could never achieve but its always something to aim for.
But do please get on with the US stuff !

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I’d just like to echo everything said by everyone else.

I post commissioned work here. I know I’ve been a bit quiet of late, but I’m stuck in a seemingly endless loop of tiny bogies! I like to share what I’m doing here, among friends, and offer advice and - more importantly - take advice from those follow my antics. Please don’t go exclusively elsewhere.

Facebook is a definite no-no. The place is a cesspit. I left there a few years back and don’t regret it, and steadfastly refuse to go back. Start a blog, or a static web site, so everything can be found easily. Or, just stay here and continue to share your fab work.