A slow week last week, Xmas wasn't to blame either and no it doesn't get in the way very much at all, glad to see the back of it personally.
I thought I'd take a poke at the JLTRT King, oh dear

To be fair it hasn't come from JLTRT but MM1 so maybe the original kits were a bit better, still, in for a penny, in for a pound. Yes, I fully expect I'm in a majority of one with regards to the aspects I'm not happy with, but hey ho and as I said, very little Christmas spirit here.
The etches are good, I kind of expected that being an Ex Mitchell kit and the brass castings are on the whole usable, the white metal is sadly pretty much all trash.
The instructions left me in a bit of a quandary, never that good with the written text and even that is scant and the photocopies of photocopies of pencil drawings often leave blank spaces, I just gave up in the end, opened a set of Finney 3500G instructions and cross referenced what I could. The actual scoop was missing from the box so a good excuse to try something I've wanted to do for a while, hollow scoops, it came out rather well.
The hand brake crank is the wrong type, there are no riser arms to the threaded fitting at the top, the kit just has the threaded rod going direct to a fixed pivot on the arm, so when the brake pulls on the hole lot...and presumably the stand....lifts skyward
The rest of the week was spent drawing up replacement white metal bits for 3D printing, the filler lid had an artifact on it which shew up once painted, so that needs addressing before fitting.
As a quick comparison the 3D viz white metal.
The tool boxes are just junk, shifted in the mold and hideous flash, plus no corner cut out on the lid, the filler and lid (individual items) are flash riddled and distorted. I'm sure the kit axle box is way to small when compared to photos of the real thing and I also added the spring retention plate, it might be in the kit but there's no mention of it so I might have to also punch extra rivets on the valance where it bolts in place. The bracket may also be a preservation thing so need to cross check that but it's easily removed in CAD and the units reprinted.
I still need to draw up the vacuum reservoir and then fabricate some sort of plate to fix it to, not as easy as it sounds as it has to clear the equalizing beam (1.4 mm NS wire as no beam supplied in the kit) that runs right through the same area.