I need to order some 7mm FS 3-hole wagon wheels and wondered what options are available, and what WTers prefer.
Slaters seem to be the default choice for most but I quite like the idea of more prototypical all-steel wheelsets and I know Roxey make some of these. Ive also only just discovered that GJH supply all steel insulated wheelsets which come already blackened (one less thing to bother with), they also appear to be good value (always a bonus!)
I suppose the requirements for wheelsets are: square and true, decent tyre profile, free-running in their bearings, and look right.
I have to say I'm a little wary of asking this on WT as Ive come to realise that quite a few of the 7mm suppliers are themselves WT members, but with that in mind my questions are:
1. Apart from Slaters, Roxey and GJH, are there any other options?
2. Which wheelsets have you used and which do you prefer?