4mm OLD MILLS is up in the air!


Western Thunderer
After Rob and I had agreed on the purchase of Old Mills. I tried to hire a van. At over 70 not easy! I found someone eventually and collected it. 185 mile trip (and the same back) It had been some years since I had driven a "Transit" and after a few miles was puzzled by the 6 flashing on the dashboard? Duh! sixth gear! Quickly solved and an uneventful trip. Never used sixth on the way back and 6 never flashed fully laden!

So this was the first train round "Shooting Star" (wearing the lamps and head code for the Cardiff-Portsmouth Harbour on 40 coal trucks!1727334081260.jpeg


Western Thunderer
The fiddle yard in operation at a show. Each road is divided. Road 1 into 3 trains and 2 to 11 inclusive, into 2. So as each train moves out another shuffles up to take its place. This allows for 23 trains. There are also 4 railcar (or auto train) spurs. I run a class 121, a AEC "Flying Banana"and a 14xx in these. In my sequence these 3 each run twice. Making 29 moves in the Timetable. 1727365004175.jpeg