There was a "standard" line by line sequence - though individual works seemed to vary from the script quite frequently! Basically it should (below the vehicle type) give the S.P. (next Shopping proposal) Date, and below that the last 4? works overhauls - each having the type of overhaul C1-C3 usually, the date completed i.e. nn-dd/yy, and the works done at by the works code. I've a generic drawing showing the pattern somewhere for Mk2's which I'll dig out.
Those are PPM (Planned Preventatiive Maintenance) panels rather crudely stencilled on the side - they were (relatively short lived) and crudely stencilled on by some of the Regional M&EE's giving various exam dates etc. I've no idea (at least I can't remember) what one would typically show!
I'll come back with the end details - soon!