Right, after a hiatus while other builds made varying degrees of progress, it was back to the bench with this loco.
The first job was to fit the oil boxes. I'd already cleaned everything up, and the brackets had been fixed to the running plate. I opted for 145 degree solder and careful application of heat from the RSU to fix the boxes in place. Of course, the question then arose of how to fit the oil pipes…
Yesterday, I managed to fit the pipes at the firebox end. In the real world, these drop down through the running plate on to the hornguides below. In the miniature world, I've fixed them to the floor where the firebox will sit. To accommodate the wire I shall carve a slot in the boiler casting. It won't really be visible, as it will be hidden by the oil box bracket and "pipework".
What I glossed over was how long the pipework took. It was fairly easy to wheedle a length of 0.4mm copper wire into the hole and apply a spot of cyano. What wasn't so easy was fitting the other four, because the Law of Sod tells us the first will be detached at any given moment when we think we are winning. Anyway, I finally got two sets of five pipes in place on the rear oil boxes.
I should say that my health seems to be playing up. I'm seeing the quack this week, because I am aware my blood pressure is much higher than normal. Struggling with fiddly pipework was not leaving me in a happy place yesterday, and when I tried to repeat the process on the next oil box along - one where you will see the pipes disappear into the frames - I had to walk away from the bench before I developed an aneurism.
Some quiet time later, the brain cell gave me a potential solution to my dilemma: how to fit wires into a small hole without knocking their neighbours out.
Solder the buggers together at one end, of course. True, the soldered end is wrong. The pipes splay out as they approach the hornguides, but as they won't actually be fitted into the hornguides this isn't my problem. All it means is it now becomes possible to hold five pipes at once, while fitting the other ends into their respective holes.
We really need a lightbulb emoticon!
Anyway, after a little more traditional effin' and jeffin', the pipes are fitted.
Yes, they're a little wonky. I can't do any better, I'm afraid. Lesson learned and all that.
What happens next is I await a delivery of cylinder draincock castings from Ragstone so I can complete that end of the detailing. Then I can set about fitting the motion, then fit the frames to the running plate. Then I can lose the pipework in the gloom - hopefully being able to trim them back without them pinging out of the oil boxes again…
Another step nearer to completion. The next job will be the back head and other cab details. I hope my blood pressure remains under control!