The smooth running of the WD chassis had been nagging at me. It had a slight catch, somewhat alleviated when the additional weight of the boiler was in place, but it wasn't right. I decided it would be worth setting things up in the rolling road to see if some gentle running would solve it.
Well, it helped in that it uncovered several issues. I set about resolving things like tight spots on all the coupling rods, but still the catch. Then I noticed the recessed crankpin nut on the fireman's side second axle had a tendency to unscrew itself.
Cue a couple of hours of careful honing and fettling, with a side order of mild swearing.
It turns out the CPL cast crankpin nuts have a tendency to be not quite as square as they could be. The threaded hole is a teensy bit off centre, leading to a gentle binding and unscrewing in one direction of travel. I carefully opened the coupling rod, and gave the nut itself a once-over to try and make it all better.
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As I sit typing this, the errant crankpin nut is firmly attached to the crankpin, and the chassis is trundling away at an indicated 30mph (according to the Gaugemaster controller, at least). I am feeling quite happy that at least I managed to figure out what the problem was, and hopefully resolve it permanently.