Time to shift inside the coaches. I've been sort of putting this off, but I can't think why. It's no more complicated than any other coach interior. I picked the CK as a starting point.
The CK diagram in the Parkin book gave me important dimensions for the compartment lengths. Other measurements have to be derived from parts in the kit. The corridor sides are etched brass, as are the WC walls. Compartment dividers have to be cut from supplied styrene sheet, and the seats are resin castings.
The client had fitted many of the underframe parts with bolts as well as glue, so the first job was to install suitable pieces of styrene sheet across the ABS floor to clear protrusions.
Onto the cross pieces I made up and fitted some 20 thou sheet as a floor. What with one thing and another, the subtle raising of the floor won't show.
The WC compartment walls were folded from the etch. The edges that meet the side wall have been trimmed to more or less match the curve. I could now mark a location for the corridor wall, confirmed by plonking a seat casting in to check. It's within tolerance, let's say. Next, I worked out the centre line for the compartment side centre vestibule door. I did this by marking up and trimming a strip of paper to a scale 2ft 7in, folding it in half lengthways, and then eyeballing it to align with the actual door. With the vestibule located, I used dividers to mark off the compartments in either direction (third class at 6ft 3in; first at 7ft 2in). It was useful to check the divisions were pretty much in the centre of window pillars!
A small square was used against the side of the coach to mark off the divider positions. Everything checked okay, which is nice.
Next, I shall fit styrene strips to aid location for the brass parts on the floor, and make up divider walls. The brass compartment walls will need some work in order to fit the doors properly, so I'll crank up the soldering iron and scrap etch later.