Graham, the compact camera tends to cause a barrelling of images when close up. I sometimes get over it by zooming in a fraction while in macro mode, but I usually just accept it's an optical effect.
I'll get some close-ups of the handles later. As you know, there are four of each on a basic Mk2, so the standard JLTRT brass sprue has double the required amount. This means I can be choosy and select the cleanest castings. I think Tom has pointed out the commode handle bodyside holes are a gnat's too far apart, but I get over this problem by the simple expedient of subtly widening the "jaws" the fraction necessary to fit. I don't think this subterfuge is noticeable.
Meanwhile, here's a useful tip - which is partly what this thread has been about - for fitting the roof.
The body sides have a tab that runs virtually their whole length, which fits into the slots of the roof. I try to clean up moulding pips and stuff before I start the painting process, but the layers of primer, grey and blue adds sufficient thickness that the fit needs to be fettled.
I have done this by carefully scraping away the paint from the tab - though this has its elements of danger if the tool slips... Let's not go there. *wince*. An alternative method is to take a square needle file and draw it along the roof slot.
I found a few passes of the file (you have to drag it backwards, because I found it will bind if you try to use it in the normal manner) removes enough of the sides of the slots to give a comfortable fit to the sides with the paint still in place on the tabs.
I hope that helps someone somewhere. I wish I'd thought of doing it on the previous seven JLTRT kits I've built!